PlayStation Fans Celebrate the End of PS5 Scalpers

For roughly the first two years of the PS5's existence, it was very hard to find, let alone buy. In fact, it was almost impossible to find in stores. The only option was to buy online. And this was a bad option because there was not only extreme demand for a limited supply, but scalpers with bots capable of gobbling up infrequent restocks very quickly. As a result, PS5 restocks would be depleted almost instantly. Couple this with inevitable server issues due to traffic demand, and it was a rotten experience. For two years trying to buy a PS5 was a very irksome process for many. For the most part, three parties were blamed: PlayStation for not making enough consoles; retailers for not addressing the scaping and website issues; and then the scalpers themselves for taking all the stock and selling said stock at absurd prices. This is a thing of the past though as evident by scalpers now trying to sell stock at below retail prices.

Over on the PlayStation Reddit page, PlayStation fans have been celebrating the end of the struggle and the potential demise of scalpers who are still sitting on stock that is increasinlgy hard to move at retail price, let alone above it for a profit. "It's finally the end of PS5 scalping," writes one Reddit user.

"Makes my blood boil. On release me and my mum managed to get one each. Gave one to my cousin and the other to a dad in my work who wanted one for his son's Christmas. Didn't take anything over retail. Price gouging should be illegal," writes another PlayStation fan.

Don’t even feel a little bit bad for them
by u/PetiteCanadianMilf in playstation

The PS5 stock issues should officially be a thing of the past, pending any unforeseeable major events, such as a global pandemic. And this is great news for PlayStation fans as the console is just about to hit its stirde in terms of game releases.

For more PS5 coverage and for more coverage on all things PlayStation -- including all of the latest news, all of the latest rumors and leaks, and all of the latest deals -- click here. Meanwhile, and as always, feel free to leave a comment letting us know what you think. Are you seeing lots of PS5 consoles in the wild?

H/T, GamingBible.