PUBG 2022 Roadmap Revealed

PUBG: Battlegrounds players got their first look at the game's 2022 roadmap this week to see what the developers have in store for this year. That includes a preview of new maps, new weapons, updates and overhauls for various systems in PUBG along with mentions of some content that's still in development and therefore isn't ready to be talked about just yet. The PUBG developers also cautioned that these timelines could change, too, so don't be surprised if something or another gets moved around ahead of its release.

That said, you can check out the PUBG roadmap for 2022 below. It provides a broad look at three different categories – World, Ingame, and Outgame – across the rest of 2022.


While not everything shown on the new roadmap was talked about in detail, some parts were with the PUBG team going over their plans for weapons, maps, modes, and more. You can check out those details below:

Sanhok Rollback

  • Sanhok will come back in its original form
    • Sanhok is our oldest small map and is still enjoyed by many players
    • Due to its age, it has seen a number of added features and a major revamp
  • Some players like the revamped version but most players want the original Sanhok back
    • We've given lots of thought to the long-standing requests and made the decision to revert the map
    • The reverted version is in the last stage of stabilization and will be revealed in the near future
    • With the rollback, many of the added features will be removed but we are deliberating on how we'll move forward with Sanhok's original form

New Weapon: 7.62MM Assault Rifle

  • For weapon variety, we are developing a new 7.62mm weapon
  • 7.62mm weapons have high DPS but are more difficult to control
  • The new 7.62mm weapon in development has a comparably lower DPS but is easier to control, positioned between the Beryl (high damage, difficult to control) and AKM (low damage, easier to control)

Training Mode Improvement

  • Since the beginning of this year, we've been working to improve Training Mode
  • In the current Training Mode, players can train their skills with weapons and vehicles.
  • With Free-to-Play, more practical training programs are required.
    • Players will be able to practice PvP combat there
    • Adding Aim/Sound Training Room in the last update was part of the effort
    • 1vs1 training ground will be added where players can fight one-on-one
  • QoL updates are also in the pipeline:
    • Fast travel within the training grounds
    • Custom match training mode that allows players to train with friends

Paramo World Sub-Update

  • There are some overly advantageous areas in the world, which will be adjusted for balance
  • We constantly improve terrain balance of the Battlegrounds by making adjustments
  • We want to make sure there is distinct gameplay on each map
  • The Paramo sub-update is scheduled for Q2.
    • Sub-updates for existing maps such as Miramar and Taego will follow as well.

QOL Improvement

  • PUBG has inconvenient elements by nature as a realistic Battle Royale rule, such as being unable to use heal and boost items in a vehicle's driver seat or having to guess the perfect timing of a cooked grenade.
  • Therefore, we want to find places we can reduce inconvenience without affecting core gameplay through systems such as the UI by providing the info players had to learn from experience.

New Map: Kiki

  • LOOK AND FEEL: Kiki is a near-future city that has been ravaged by the elements. Dangerous storms, powerful floods, and of course the tolls of time, have all contributed to the downfall of this once thriving city. Built upon a tamed frontier, the lands around Kiki still very much belong to nature with a blend of rocky highlands, floral planes, and dense swamps with bits of 21st century civilization dotted throughout. It is a Battleground unlike anything we've built before and we're excited to see Kiki inhabited once again.
  • UNIQUE TRAITS: Kiki's city has the most verticality we've ever built into Battleground and are filled with interesting sniper-nest style points of interest, rooftops loaded with emergency parachutes, and buildings easily scaled with the new Ascenders. This isn't to say that the entire city can be explored. Taking lessons from Haven, not every building is fully playable, with single floors, or sometimes just single chambers, open for gameplay and highlighted so that players on the ground can easily learn where snipers can fight from.
  • Out in nature, our new swamplands are completely unique to Kiki, with ankle deep water, and dense cover to allow for compelling cat and mouse gameplay without having to swim everywhere. We're also looking to add an Airboat to better navigate across both land and sea. For those hoping for a more traditional PUBG gameplay, Kiki will also have plenty of fielded area for those iconic battles that players enjoyed in Erangel and Miramar.
  • Exclusive Features/Content
    • AIRBOAT: A vehicle that specializes in land and sea traversal. Its amazing utility is balanced out by less than ideal cover for passengers.
    • ASCENDERS: While at special areas on the map, players can use the Ascender to quicky ascend or descend great distances.
    • ADDITIONAL FEATURES: After releasing Kiki, we will continue to add content exclusive to the map such as new weapons and vehicles

Weapon Mastery Overhaul

  • Increasing Weapon Mastery max level to challenge players
  • Having players show off their achievements through Weapon Nameplates and additional rewards once players reach a certain Mastery level
  • Considering various ways to provide more meaningful stats/records to make progressing a more rewarding experience
  • Refer to the previous "Weapon Mastery Overhaul" announcement for more info.
    • As stated there, we welcome your feedback and ideas on this system! Please let us know what you'd like to see from the Mastery system.

Vikendi – Reborn

  • Being one of the more visually unique Battlegrounds, Vikendi still has room for additional implementation of new features and areas for more core gameplay moments. Therefore, we're planning a grand remake towards the end of the year.
  • Although Vikendi provides unique visuals, it has room for improvement and new features in terms of core gameplay. Being well aware of that, we decided to remake Vikendi.

Arcade Mode Overhaul

  • No new mode has been added to Arcade Mode since TDM
  • Developing content simultaneously and running LABS to test modes and features have taken our attention away from Arcade mode
  • In the second half of the year, we plan to overhaul Arcade Mode to add more game types and a new reward system for players who enjoy playing Arcade.