
Rainbow Six Siege Adds Reverse Friendly Fire

Ubisoft added a new Rainbow Six Siege feature to the game’s live servers on Wednesday that takes […]

Ubisoft added a new Rainbow Six Siege feature to the game’s live servers on Wednesday that takes another step in preventing players from griefing others. The feature is called Reverse Friendly Fire, and it does exactly what the name suggests. Inflict damage on an ally one too many times and you’ll find yourself being on the receiving end of your own damage output be it through a traditional weapon or the equipment at different Operators’ disposals.

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If you’re a Rainbow Six Siege player who’s been active on the test servers, you may have already seen Reverse Friendly Fire in action. For those who stick to the live servers, the feature is live there now and will mostly protect teams from being taken down by one problematic player. A post from March explained how the feature would work and when it would activate.

“After a player’s first validated team kill, all further damage inflicted upon teammates or the hostage is reflected back to the player,” Ubisoft said about the Reverse Friendly Fire feature. “When a player uses a unique operator gadget to deal this damage, reflected damage will impact the gadget itself.”

Players who are teamkilled will be met with a kill cam that allows them to say whether or not the kill was intentional, and their decision will determine whether Reverse Friendly Fire is activated or not.

Since that initial wave of testing, Ubisoft has continued to tweak the feature and test different versions of it. In the post from Tuesday which preceded the live server release, Ubisoft said community feedback has led to a few new iterations of Reverse Friendly Fire.

“Community feedback so far has been invaluable and allowed us to make early iterations to the system,” Ubisoft’s latest post said. “For example, RFF can now activate based on total friendly damage. In these cases, there is no validation screen for the offending player’s teammates. We are also striving to make it clearer how operators and gadgets will react to this system.”

Additional guidelines shared in the post clarify how categories like unique gadgets and explosives as well as individual weapons work in the anti-griefing system.


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