Respawn Addresses EA Acquisition Concerns - "We Are Still Respawn"

Earlier this week, EA and Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment made a joint announcement about [...]

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Earlier this week, EA and Titanfall studio Respawn Entertainment made a joint announcement about their recent acquirement. The news was met with some understandable concern, as many are still confused over the recent closure of Visceral Studios and recent cancellation of their linear story-based Star Wars game. Despite the one studio being shut down, EA has recent purchased Respawn with a sizeable contract citing worry over the future of the Titanfall franchise and the Star Wars title that they themselves have been working on.

Respawn's vince Zampella recently sat down with GamesBeat to quell some of the worries that gamers have been expressing stating that they are still the company many love, and that they are simply looking forward to doing even better in the future:

"Ultimately, my message is we are still Respawn and we are going to make the same games we did before, and hopefully better," Zampella said. "Anyone who is a fan of Respawn should trust us that what we are doing what we think is best for the future of Respawn and our games. We intend to deliver to our fans everything and more than we did in the past."

When asked about the relation between this move and the sudden closing of Visceral, the direction turned to whether or not Zampella felt like he needed to worry about Respawn's future. Rather than give some long-winded defense, he replied with a simple, yet definitive "nope."

Who knows what the future may hold for both Respawn and the Publisher giant known as Electronic Arts. One things many can be sure of, EA isn't slowing down anytime soon - especially not with the highly anticipated release of Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the horizon.