Shadow of the Tomb Raider is almost here for all and our full review is in and ready for your viewing pleasure. But one thing that stood out to us during our time with Lara Croft wasn’t the danger, but the hilarity of the game’s photo mode.
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Photo Modes in games is the perfect way for players to treasure those moments experienced and share them with friends. With more and more games adding this feature into the experience, the modes themselves have found themselves getting sillier and sillier with each release. While many are having a phenomenal time with Spider-Man’s own Photo Mode, I have a feeling players will get their fair share of laughs from Shadow of the Tomb Raider’s as well.

But why “hilariously inappropriate,” you may be asking. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is a much darker title for Lara Croft fans, rife with existential dread, consequence, and life or death situations. That being said, the Photo Mode offers players a chance to turn that frown upside down in the best ways possible and it comes off as so homicidally creepy at times, it’s just the best thing ever.
The images you see here are from my time with the game and each one was during an “oh shit, we’re going to die” moment. Not that you could tell from the screenshot, unless you’re thinking what I’m thinking and that Croft is secretly a serial killer and she’s smiling at her next victim. Because … let’s be real, that’s totally what this looks like!

You’ll be able to see for yourself with Shadow of the Tomb Raider releases for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC players on September 14th. Early Access folks get theirs on September 12th!
Interested in learning more about the final installment in Miss Croft’s origins story? You can check out our full review right here with a small blurb below:
“Without giving any story spoilers away, Shadow of the Tomb Raider did a phenomenal job at keeping players engrossed in Lara’s mission. Her experience mattered and her choices – at times – were haunting. With the familiar combat style of the previous two games and the expanded upon world-view of Croft herself, the third and final story is one that will appeal to the adventure seeking gamer. Fans of both the Tomb Raider series and Uncharted will find endless adventures to partake in, dangers to overcome, and philosophies to uncover.”