Last year, Sega revealed Sonic Origins, a compilation featuring four of the blue blur’s earliest games. Unfortunately, the publisher hasn’t offered much information over the last few months, leading some fans to believe it might have been quietly cancelled. However, a pair of newly discovered leaks could hint at an impending release date announcement. According to the website Tails’ Channel, the game has been rated in South Korea. The website also shared an image for Sonic Origins that was apparently uploaded to PlayStation’s servers. The site states that this is an existing piece of promotional art, but it looks like it might be used as cover art, as well.
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A Tweet from Tails’ Channel with the promotional art can be found embedded below.
Sonic Origins will feature Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and Sonic CD, and is set to release on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC. While some of these games have previously been offered on those platforms, not all of them are available in one place, and the collection should be a great way for new Sonic fans to experience some of the most beloved games in the series. It’s surprising that Sonic Origins wasn’t made available prior to the theatrical release of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but there are plenty of other great Sonic games available on current platforms.
It would make a lot of sense for Sega to release Sonic Origins sometime in the next few months. Not only would it help the company capitalize on Paramount’s film, it would also give the collection some distance from the release of Sonic Frontiers, the next major game from Sonic Team. Sonic Frontiers does not currently have a release date, but it is expected to arrive towards the end of 2022. There is a lot of anticipation surrounding Sonic Frontiers, and Sega probably wouldn’t want to release the two games too close to one another. Hopefully, these leaks mean an official announcement about Sonic Origins is coming soon!
Are you looking forward to Sonic Origins? Do you plan on picking up the compilation when it releases? Let us know inthe comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!