Sonic the Hedgehog Face Swaps With Detective Pikachu

Sonic the Hedgehog and Detective Pikachu are two movies that’ve been the subject of much [...]

Sonic the Hedgehog and Detective Pikachu are two movies that've been the subject of much discussion lately and have been compared due to one another due to some traits they share. Both feature some iconic characters that many fans grew up with, and both films blend CGI animation and live-action elements together to unite both worlds. The more realistic versions of both movies' protagonists have also been discussed, though Sonic's has received much more criticism since its reveal.

Regardless of how you feel about these two characters' new looks, you'll probably have very different opinions on face swapped version of the movie leads. In what's perhaps one of the most questionable products of the Sonic the Hedgehog and Detective Pikachu talks so far, a Twitter user by the name of MrAlAnderson shared the image below that puts Sonic's features on Pikachu and vice versa. The result is a much more animated expression from Pikachu and a beady-eyed version of Sonic that looks drastically different from both he movie appearance and his normal look.

The face swap, of course, has led to even more creations other than just this one. One person pointed out that Pikachu now looks like Crash Bandicoot with those features which led to the image below that brings another beloved character into the mix.

Discussions around both movies have been quite different depending on which one you're talking about. Detective Pikachu's release is coming soon, and while you can see our review here, you won't find as much discussion around the Internet about Pikachu's appearance compared to what's happening with Sonic. That's because people are for the most part alright with and impressed with Pikachu's look, but not so much with Sonic's. Jeff Fowler, the director of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, said fans' concerns have been heard though and that the look of the speedy hedgehog will be revised.

Detective Pikachu hits theaters on May 10th while Sonic the Hedgehog releases on November 8th.


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