As fans await the next installment of the Soul Calibur franchise, Bandai Namco Entertainment is providing better looks at what the new game will add to its legacy. In a new video featuring classic heroine Sophitia, a few interesting new game play mechanics are put on display, along with selections from her past move sets that fans of the series already know. Check out the new gameplay below:
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Producer Motohiro Okubo spends a little time discussing Sophitia’s history with the game and its player base, highlighting her fighting style as something that players both new and old can appreciate. One of the highlighted new features is called Reversal Edge, which allows players to take on another on and “follow-up with powerful counterattacks based on their opponent’s actions.”
Okubo called Sophitia one of the core characters of the Soul Calibur franchise. She is younger in this game than she was in the last since it functions as sortof a psuedo-prequel to the franchise, in a way. This means that players will get to learn more about her backstory, and how she came to be the warrior that everyone knows her to be. The game will take place in the 16th century, and “revisit the events” of the original game to explore it through new lenses and “uncover hidden truths” about the lore, which is great for long-time fans who have come to love these characters. So far, the game’s lineup includes Sophitia and Mitsurugi, with promised new additions on the way. There are plenty of other new attack modes, including Lethal Hit, a character-specific move that opens up the door for a combo assault the moment that it lands.
Soul Calibur VI will release some time in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.