Starfield: How to Use a Jetpack

How to use Starfield's jetpacks and make the most of their upgrades.

Starfield has jetpacks, a feature that was hyped up in the game's pre-release marketing and one that's invaluable when it comes to combat and navigating foreign terrain on planets you're exploring. They're technically called just "Packs" or "Boost Packs" in Starfield, but their function is exactly what you'd expect with the jetpacks offering players options to glide or perform extra "jumps" while moving around. All you have to do to use a jetpack is press the "jump" button while you're in the air which is exactly what most players probably expected, but getting to the point where you can utilize ajetpack takes a bit more than just equipping one and soaring off into the sunset.

It's fortunately still a pretty easy process that allows players to utilize jetpacks very early on. From skills to upgrades to finding the right jetpack for you, everything you need to know about Starfield's jetpacks can be found below.

Starfield's Jetpack Skill

Before you even think about using a jetpack, you need to take a skill for it first. Yes, Starfield locks jetpacks behind a skill, but it's thankfully one of the ones that you can get right at the start of the game. You'll find the skill you need over in the far-right "Tech" category of Starfield's many skills. It's in the top row, and it's called "Boost Pack Training."

All you need is one point in the Boost Pack Training skill and you're good to go, but you can of course upgrade it over time to get more out of your jetpacks. From personal experience, however, one point is plenty while you focus on other essential skills. If you want to save yourself the trouble of investing a point in it once you level up for the first time, you can choose either the "Bounty Hunter" or "Soldier" 


Starfield's "Boost Pack Training" skill that lets you use jetpacks.


Getting a Jetpack in Starfield

Right from the start of the game when you're able to peruse your inventory, you'll see that you already have a pack equipped, but that's not the kind of pack you're looking for. When you actually have a pack that boasts jetpack capabilities, you'll see "Basic Boost Pack" listed underneath the item's stats where you'd find the mods for a piece of gear. Other types of jetpack mods are available later on, but you won't be able to find or unlock those until much later in the game, so just look for Basic Boost Packs at the start.

To find one ASAP, simply progress with the main quest until you're given one -- it happens very early on in the game and is an unmissable moment. Alternatively, you can set out on your own and start fighting pirates and other human enemies to scavenge their loot and see if any of them have a jetpack that you can make use of.

Starfield's Jetpack Upgrades

After you've got a jetpack that has a Basic Boost Pack or better equipped and have the skill, you can start looking into how you can improve your jetpack capabilities. To do so, you've got two options: outfitting your jetpacks with better upgrades, or leveling up your Boost Pack Training skill.

All of those upgrade options are spelled out below, but note that some of the jetpack upgrades require you to complete research tasks focused on that area and therefore won't be achievable until you've progressed quite a bit into the game.


Upgrades for Starfield's jetpack skill.


Jetpack Mods

Slot 1

  • Extra Capacity: Increases carry weight capacity by 10 kilograms (Pack Mods 2 Research required)
  • Hazard Protection: Increases resistance to Airborne, Thermal, Corrosive, and Radiation hazards (Pack Mods 3 Research required)
  • Oxygen Reserve: +10% oxygen capacity

Slot 2

  • Emergency Aid: Administers emergency aid when health is low. Recharges a short time after use. (Pack Mods 2 Research required)
  • Medic: Aid items restore additional health and heal more quickly. (Pack Mods 1 Research required)
  • Regeneration: Slowly regenerate health outside of combat. (Pack Mods 3 Research required)

Boost Pack

  • Balanced Boost Pack: Boost Pack with balanced power output. (Pack Mods 3 Research required)
  • Basic Boost Pack: Entry-level boost Pack.
  • Power Boost Pack: Boost Pack with increased power output, ideal for navigating high-gravity environments. (Pack Mods 3 Research required)
  • Skip Capacity Boost Pack: Boost Pack with low-duration, high-intensity output, sacrificing boost height for mobility. (Pack Mods 2 Research required)

Boost Pack Training Skill Upgrades

  • Rank 1: You can now utilize boost packs
  • Rank 2: Using a boost pack expends less fuel. 
  • Rank 3: Boost pack fuel regenerates more quickly.
  • Rank 4: Doubles previous bonuses