
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Players React to New DLC Announcement

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s next DLC character was finally revealed on Thursday, and players […]

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s next DLC character was finally revealed on Thursday, and players have certainly had some comments about it. The new character is Byleth, the playable protagonist from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, which means that yet another Fire Emblem character is being added to the game. Rumors and speculations from players tried to figure out which guest fighter would be added next, though Byleth was far from any of the typical guesses.

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If you loved Three Houses and Fire Emblem overall, you’ll probably be content with this reveal even if there are already numerous Fire Emblem characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. With characters like Dante and Sora and many others rumored to be announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players likely already had favorites in mind.

Until Byleth is officially added to the game, we’ll have to survive off of more speculation about how the character will perform in the game and what people think about the DLC reveal. You can see some of the reactions to the announcement below to get an idea of what people are saying.


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Post This to Make Them Mad

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It’s Time

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