The Elder Scrolls 6 Release Date May Be Further Away Than We Thought

The Elder Scrolls 6 release is probably very far away.

The Elder Scrolls 6 release date may be further away than we previously thought. Bethesda announced back in August that the game left pre-production and had entered full production. When this was revealed, many assumed the vast majority of Bethesda Game Studios 450-man team was now working on the game, which is a reasonable assumption, but it's not true. Bethesda Game Studios creative director Todd Howard has relayed word that far fewer developers are currently on the game. 

According to Howard, 250 developers are still working on Starfield, which is 55 percent of the studio. In the coming months, this number should get smaller and smaller but this is a substantial amount of developers working on Starfield, presumably supporting the game with updates and possibly working on some DLC and expansion content. More than this, Howards confirms a chunk of the studio is also still working on Fallout 76, though he doesn't say how many. 

Doing some rough math, there's probably about 150 developers currently working on The Elder Scrolls 6, which isn't much by AAA game standards. Again, the Starfield team will slowly but surely make its way over, but Bethesda Game Studios has left a much larger team on the sci-fi RPG than we would have thought. And this will delay the game's development a bit. Further, if there's that large of a team still on Starfield, it points to DLC/expansions. This has never been announced, nor does this confirm as much, but it's what it suggests, which again only delays the release of The Elder Scrolls 6's release date.

Of course, take this speculation with a grain of salt, but it is seemingly reasonable speculation. The Elder Scrolls 6 was always going to be years away, but it sounds like it may even be a little bit further away than even this. As always, feel free to leave a comment or two letting us know what you think. When do you think The Elder Scrolls 6 will release and what would you like to see from it?

H/T, Wired.