The Last of Us Season 2 Set Photos Share New Look at Bella Ramsey and Isabela Merced

New images from The Last of Us Season 2 show off Bella Ramsey and Isabela Merced's new looks.

While The Last of Us Season 2 isn't scheduled to premiere on HBO until sometime in 2025, the production has been working on set since February. That hasn't been a constant filming period. The production for The Last of Us Season 2 has been a little stop-and-start as the team has needed to wait for various things to line up correctly. Over the weekend, a new round of shooting was taking place and several new photos have emerged giving fans their first look at what Bella Ramsey and Isabela Merced will look like as Ellie and Dina respectively.

First Look at Ellie and Dina in The Last of Us Season 2


The new images were shared on Twitter by the fan account The Last of Us News. They have two shots of Ramesy as Ellie on set, showing off her updated hairstyle. In these images, it's not a perfect recreation of the game, but it's a similar pulled-back style that could easily morph into what fans are used to once the action starts up. In any case, it's clearly more pulled back than it was in Season 1, which could be one way the production is showing the character maturing. 

Meanwhile, the image of Merced shows her in Dina's costume. She has that same pale red shirt that Dina wears in the game, but she's wearing a more stylish New Balance jacket. Dina's jacket in The Last of Us Part 2 is a leather jacket that looks much more worn than this costume. That said, it's possible she's only wearing this jacket for this scene and will switch it out for something more rugged when she heads to Seattle.

Of course, it's worth noting that the show doesn't need to perfectly nail the look of the characters. As long as they match the vibe, it should work well. After all, the crew has more than proven itself with The Last of Us Season 1. If Dina's wearing something more sporty than she does in the game, it won't really matter.

The Last of Us Season 2 Release Date

Currently, HBO has given a firm release date for The Last of Us Season 2. We know that it's coming in 2025, but they haven't narrowed the window any further. Season 1 kicked off in January 2023, so we might see Season 2 launch early next year. For now, we'll have to wait until HBO makes an official announcement.