The Witcher Season 3 Tease Met With Backlash

The Witcher Season 3 has an uphill battle with fans following news that Henry Cavill, who plays protagonist Geralt of Rivia, will be departing the show (after its conclusion) and following Season 2, which was poorly received by many. One of the biggest criticisms of Season 2 was how little it was based on the source material. The show isn't unrecognizable if you read the books, but it certainly takes quite a few creative liberties, most of which have not been received well by fans online. To this end, a new tease about Season 3 featuring "never seen or read before" content is not sitting well with many fans.

"We're in the throes of delivering the final couple of episodes on [Season 3], and it's super cool. I don't think it's anything that anyone's read or seen before in Witcher lore, so I think it's gonna be exciting," said VFX Supervisor Sebastien Francoeur and producer Graeme Marshall while speaking to Screenrant. "We're working on some pretty tasty stuff for the next season. We're at the point where we're showing the creative team now, and they're being wowed by the stuff we're showing them, so that's cool. [We have] a pretty short sequence with a nice creature, but we have a longer one with a big creature, also, that's cool."

For obvious reasons, this quote is catching some flak as it's the opposite of what many fans want to hear. Later in the same interview, Marshall referred to the source material, the books, as "the guidebook, but not the Bible by any means." However, while Marshall notes that the source material can be tweaked, twisted, and broken from, the creative team on the show is being  "very careful about keeping it true to the lore, true to the realm, [and] true to the Witcher."

As noted, this interview has not sat well with fans. And of course, many have suggested remarks like the ones in the interview are why Cavill left the show, but this is purely just speculation. 

"These people are so pretentious. They think they can make better content than a franchise loved by millions. They use its name and write whatever they want. And they're so bad at it," said one fan of the latest quotes. "This is not the brag they seem to think it is. This is just another warning sign," added another fan

H/T, Redanian Intelligence.