
Titanfall 2 Gets A Hefty Update In Time For The Holidays

Things can be pretty busy with the holiday season and all, but one company that hasn’t forgotten […]

Things can be pretty busy with the holiday season and all, but one company that hasn’t forgotten its fan base is Respawn Entertianment. The company has posted a new blog detailing a new update that’s available for its hit shooter Titanfall 2, adding a few new modes to the mix, along with an update to its grapple system.

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Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect from the grapple change, and it’s good news to fans who can’t get enough of it:

“After changing grapple to one charge, we did see a small shift in tacticals players chose. However, it still is by far the most commonly picked tactical and trying to change that status quo would require adjustments that would diminish a mechanic that we and many players love. Because the earlier change was not driven by balance concerns, we’re happy to revert Grapple back to its previous state of two charges. Swing away!”

In addition, the following Featured Modes have been added to the game:

  • Turbo LTS โ€“ Last Titan Standing gametype with double core generation and dash regen rates. Everyone also has Turbo Engine kit.
  • Spicy Attrition โ€“ Attrition where everyone’s Ordnance ability is replaced with Ticks.
  • The Otherside โ€“ All Phase Attrition.
  • Rocket Arena โ€“ Live Fire with modified EPGs and autopistols.
  • Turbo Titan Brawl โ€“ Titan Brawl with double core generation and dash regen rates. Everyone also has Turbo Engine kit.

In addition, some new Elite Weapon Warpaints are available for purchase, along with enw Holiday Banners and more!

As you can see, there’s no shortage of stuff to enjoy in the game this holiday season, so if you haven’t already, check it out!

Titanfall 2 is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Origin PC.