The live-action TV adaptation of Twisted Metal was released on Peacock last week, bringing the beloved video game franchise to life for the first time. The original games may not have had a ton of story to them, but the series is able to create an entire world out of what existed, taking fans to a dystopian version of America that has largely fallen into chaos over the span of 20 years. The first season — which was released in its entirety — fills the world with characters and dives deep into the journey of John Doe (Anthony Mackie) and Quiet (Stephanie Beatriz). In its final minutes, however, Twisted Metal sets up something totally different for its potential second season, something much closer to what fans of the game might have imagined.
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WARNING: This story contains MAJOR SPOILERS from the first season of Twisted Metal! Continue reading at your own risk…
Twisted Metal Season 1 Ending
The driving force behind the plot in Twisted Metal Season 1 is John Doe attempting to earn his way into New San Francisco (a safe haven behind enormous walls) so he can live a peaceful, violence-free life. In order to do that, he has to make a dangerous run across the country to retrieve something for the city’s leader, Raven (Neve Campbell). The premiere offers a hint that there’s more to Raven’s offer than meets the eye, and the final minutes of the season pull back the curtain to reveal what she has really been after the entire time.
When John tries to leave the city, Raven reveals her entire plan to him, one that puts him into a terrible situation. The various cities are going to take part in a deadly tournament that will pit the best drivers in the country against one another, killing each other with their cars until only one remains. Sound familiar?
The tournament Raven describes is essentially the same as the Twisted Metal games themselves. The tournament is even being put on by a mysterious, unseen character named Calypso. If you’re familiar with the games, you know that Calypso is the canonical creator of the Twisted Metal contest.
Raven’s goal is to win Twisted Metal (yes, it’s the name of the tournament in the show), and she is using John to drive for her. Unfortunately for him, she’s really left him without any choice. He’ll enter the tournament against many of the other drivers that had been introduced throughout the first season, some of whom are close friends of John’s.
Twisted Metal Season 2
Those final moments of Twisted Metal Season 1 set up a different kind of show for Season 2, but there’s no guarantee just yet that fans will get to see that version of the show come to life.
Peacock hasn’t announced a second season of Twisted Metal yet, but that shouldn’t be too big of a surprise at this point. It also shouldn’t be much of a concern for fans, at least not yet. Twisted Metal has only been out for a week, and the entire season was released at once. So many are still watching through the show and Peacock is still collecting viewership data on how many are actually tuning in. It’s likely hard to tell at this point just how popular (or unpopular) Twisted Metal is.
What did you think of the first season of Twisted Metal? Are you hoping to see it renewed for Season 2? Let us know in the comments!