
TwitchCon 2022 Announced


It’s been nearly two years since TwitchCon was held, but the streaming platform has announced plans to return to in-person events starting next year! In 2022, TwitchCon will once again host two events, with one being held in Europe, and the other in North America. TwitchCon Amsterdam is tentatively scheduled for July 2022, while TwitchCon San Diego will be held in October 2022. At this time, very little information has been revealed about the two events, but more details will be revealed in the coming months. In a blog post, the company shared its excitement about returning to the format.

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“Last year we welcomed our 50,000th Partner and added 8,550 new Partners,as well as 548,000 Affiliates, bringing the total number of Affiliateson Twitch to more than 1.2M. We also saw the biggest growth inviewership we have ever seen in the history of Twitch. With so many newcreators, viewers, and moderators who have joined Twitch during thispandemic, many have not yet had the opportunity to meet the communitiesthey’ve created or been welcomed into.”

Of course, the coronavirus pandemic has led to the majority of in-person gaming conventions being cancelled or switched to a digital format over the last 18 months. Twitch seems well aware of the possibility that next year’s events might similarly face issues, despite the fact that we’re all hoping to be done with the pandemic by then. The streaming platform was quick to point out that “these are still uncertain times and our plans will remain flexible as needed,” hinting at possible delays, if necessary.ย 

The first TwitchCon was held in 2015, and the idea behind the convention is that it allows streamers and viewers the opportunity to meet in person. Last year, in lieu of an in-person event, Twitch held GlitchCon, an online event. GlitchCon seemed to be a success, but hopefully next year the real TwitchCon can make its return without any issues!

Do you plan on attending TwitchCon next year? Are you happy that the event is coming back? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!