Xbox Game Pass Has a New Hit, Subscribers Promise "You Won't Be Disappointed"

One of the most popular new releases is available on Xbox Game Pass.

Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate has a new hit game. One of the most popular games right now is once again a day one Xbox Game Pass game. While PlayStation Plus has the bigger and better library of games, it doesn't give you as many games right at release as Xbox Game Pass. Next month, this will pay off with Starfield. Right now, it's paying off with The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As we covered last night, the horror mutliplayer game has already hit more than one million players, and it seems these players are enjoying the game. 

Over on the Xbox Game Pass Reddit page, subscribers have been gushing about the game. In fact, one of the top ranked posts on the Xbox Game Pass Reddit page is praising the game and telling subscribers they "won't be disappointed" if they are curious of checking it out because of the hype.

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an amazing game – and you should try it," reads the post. "As you may or may not know, this game was just released today. And while it may look like your typical Dead by Daylight-esque asymmetrical multiplayer horror game – it's not. Actually, don't even compare it to Dead by Daylight. Cause this game is so much more detailed but more so, just fun."

The post continues: "The stealth aspect is incredible. It features no outlines of your character unless you make noise or they activate a rare special ability or something. Which is very rare. This makes for amazing hiding oppurtunities. It's such a rush when they run past you. Also, I really enjoy the intricate but simple level system. Detailed enough to feel fun, but simple enough to not be overwhelming. Love that to be honest. I don't know what to say: just play it. Honestly, you won't be disappointed. It's just pure fun."

In the comments, it seems the majority of Xbox users agree, with others encouraging subscribers to go into the game blind as it makes the gameplay experience better. There are some comments that disagree, most of which cite either matchmaking problems or balance issues. 

As for how long the game is going to be available via Xbox Game Pass, remains to be seen. However, as long as it is available via Xbox Game Pass, then subscribers can purchase the game outright with a 20 percent discount, which makes the game $32 rather than $40.