PlayTonic Games revealed this morning that its beloved, colorful platformer, Yooka-Laylee, will finally be hitting Nintendo Switch on December 14. The game has been out for a while — since April — and Nintendo Switch owners have been waiting ever so patiently (some not-so-patiently) to take the game on the go. Hopefully the wait was worth it. According to PlayTonic, the extra time has given them the space they needed to make all of the necessary improvements and optimizations.
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“Available to pre-order from the Nintendo eShop from December 7, Yooka-Laylee for Nintendo Switch features a shed-load of polish and updates,” the official update states, “including single-JoyCon play across all eight multiplayer games, a custom Achievement system, plus the ability to take our collecting duo on the go without the need for extravagant extension leads!
“The Playtonic team has spent many, many months optimising Yooka-Layleefor Nintendo Switch (with technical help and support from Nintendo and Unity themselves!) and we believe we’re delivering a version Nintendo fans can be proud of.
“Players can expect a quality experience both on and away from the television and on top of that, Switch players will benefit from the huge list of updates we’ve added since launch such as a brand new camera mode, control improvements, menu options, musicโฆ and a lot more!”
We’ll take it! Pre-orders go up soon. If you’re a backer, then obviously you have a code coming your way, so sit tight.