DreamWorks Animation’s recent hit TV series, Fright Krewe, is coming back for seconds. Co-created by Eli Roth and James Frey, Fright Krewe, taking viewers on a supernatural adventure through New Orleans. The teen-centric animated series clearly resonated with subscribers and made some fans, as there is already another round of episodes on the way.
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DreamWorks announced on Tuesday that Fright Krewe has been officially renewed for a second season. The next installment of the series is reportedly expected to debut in 2024, but no premiere date has been announced just yet. Season 2 will return to both Hulu and Peacock.
The announcement came in the form of an animated teaser on social media. “A special Halloween treat for all the members of the Krewe,” reads the post from the DreamWorks Instagram account.
Fright Krewe stars Sydney Mikayla, Tim Johnson Jr., Grace Lu, Chester Rushing, Terrence Little Gardenhigh, and Jacques Colimon. Recurring cast members in the first season include Vanessa Hudgens, Josh Richards, X Mayo, Rob Paulsen, JoNell Kennedy, Melanie Laurent, Chris Jai Alex, Reggie Watkins, Cherise Boothe, Keston John, Grey Delisle, and Krizia Bajos.
Making Fright Krewe a Horror Series for Younger Audiences
Fright Krewe showrunners Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songco spoke to ComicBook.com earlier this month about making a horror series that could appeal to kids and teenagers.
“I think for us, the stakes always had to feel real,” Songco explained. “The thing that, in the process, we kept saying a lot is ‘not too cartoony,’ which sounds weird when it’s an animated show. But we wanted to make this feel like this could be a real story with real people. People’s reactions are real, and the comedy comes from someone’s very scared reaction to something. And the comedy will come in the moments before the scare kind of a thing. But yeah, I think we tried to make this a little more grounded in reality.”
“And also, we wanted to make something that appealed to us,” Lewis added. “So we wanted to be able to want to watch what we were working on.”
In order to keep the story grounded, the writers of Fright Krewe had to be sure they were building enough tension to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, without always resorting to big scares.
“The thing about this show is that because it is the gateway horror kind of thing, you think of different ways to do the scares because there are jump scares, but it can’t just be blood and guts the way traditional horror is,” said Songco. “So there are a lot of zombie things, like All of Us Are Dead or Train to Busan that I watched for tension building reasons.”
“And before we did this show, the Fear Street trilogy had come out, and I was like a herd studying with my notebook,” Lewis said with a laugh. “Like, ‘how many minutes between each scare? How are they treating the different things? Okay so there’s that kind of thing but then there’s the thing were people are just walking down a dark alley.’ And that’s terrifying. So we had to study. Kristine and I are both horror wimps, wo we spent a lot of sleepless nights watching these horror movies.”