Child’s Play franchise veteran Jennifer Tilly, who provides the voice of Tiffany, the bride of Chucky, has shared a new photo of herself on the set of the upcoming Chucky TV show, sharing a look at “baby’s first steps,” while she supports a Chucky doll. After the franchise was rebooted in 2019, creator Don Mancini decided to carry on with the cast of the original, cult-favorite series in a new TV series that would exist independently of the Mark Hamill-voiced remake. Of course, the reboot didn’t exactly blow the doors off theaters, and now it’s distinctly possible that for the foreseeable future, this is the only Chucky/Child’s Play-branded content that fans are going to see.
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Tilly may have joined the franchise late, but she quickly became a fan favorite. And she embraced that cult love quickly, taking the Child’s Play franchise under her wings.
You can see the photo below.
Baby’s first steps! 🤗 #chuckyseries
— Jennifer Tilly (@JenniferTilly) July 30, 2021
“Over the years, I’ve heard that the consensus fan favorite among all the movies is Child’s Play 2,” Mancini told Entertainment Weekly last month. “I think one of the reasons for that is how Chucky looked in that movie and how the late director John Lafia, who passed away last year, shot Chucky. Our goal with the series was to bring Chucky’s look precisely back to that. Tony Gardner and Peter Chevako (special effects artists responsible for creating the show’s puppets) have done a great job. I think fans are really going to love that.”
The official synopsis for the Chucky TV series reads, “After a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town’s hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival of enemies and allies from Chucky’s past threatens to expose the truth behind the killings, as well as the demon doll’s untold origins as a seemingly ordinary child who somehow became this notorious monster.”
Chucky will premiere this Fall on SYFY and USA Network with the first episode dropping on October 12.