'The Exorcist' TV Series Producer Details Season 3 Plans After Cancellation

After the franchise's years of stagnation, The Exorcist TV series brought new life to the concept, [...]

After the franchise's years of stagnation, The Exorcist TV series brought new life to the concept, delivering audiences one of the most ambitious and horrifying horror shows in recent years, though poor ratings prevented it from getting renewed for a Season 3. While the series might have officially ended, executive producer Jeremy Slater knew what he wanted to explore in a new season, which he recently detailed with TV Line.

The events of Season 2 saw the series' main protagonists, Fathers Marcus and Tomas, going their separate ways. Slater claims that Season 3 would have introduced a variety of new characters and expanded the series in exciting ways.

"Part of the story in Season 3 would be Marcus having to use his connections to this religious underworld to track down his missing partner," Slater revealed. "If he can't necessarily trust the Church anymore, because it's been compromised, I think it'd be fun to see Marcus having to go outside the bounds of the Church and talk to some of the people he would have met over his last 30 years of exorcising people. [Sources] who deal in conspiracy theories, religious reliquaries and things like that… Shamans and rabbis and people from different faiths who may be fighting the same evil using different terminology and different methodology."

While Marcus may have left his life of exorcisms behind, Tomas would have worked with Mouse to continue their quests of eradicating evil spirits, resulting in an all-new dynamic.

"It'll be totally interesting to see what will happen to Tomas being on the road with a brand new partner, especially knowing how different Mouse is from Marcus in terms of methodology and ruthlessness, and everything else," Slater detailed. "She's going to train him in very different ways and use him in different ways. Where Marcus was very much constantly worried, almost to the point of obsession with protecting Tomas, Mouse doesn't have those same nurturing instincts. In Mouse's eyes, Tomas is a weapon to be used in this larger war. He's an asset that she could potentially control. That's a really fun interesting dynamic. The question is: How long can you keep those two stories separate if Marcus doesn't necessarily know where Tomas and Mouse are."

Sadly, all of these plans will likely be abandoned with the series' cancellation, though Slater had hoped the series would run for seven seasons.

"When I first pitched the show to FOX, I said, 'We can't follow the same family for seven years. You'll run out of horrible things to inflict upon these poor characters. You need the new case every year.' We will be following Marcus and Tomas and Bennet, they're the heart of our show," Slater explained to PopCulture.com last year.

You can read more details about the hypothetical Season 3 on TV Line.

Do you wish we would have gotten to see some of these adventures in a new season? Let us know in the comments below or hit up @TheWolfman on Twitter to talk all things horror and Star Wars!

[H/T TV Line]