
Olivia Munn Does Not Accept ‘The Predator’ Director Shane Black’s Apology

The Predator director Shane Black may have apologized for casting registered sex offender Steven […]

The Predator director Shane Black may have apologized for casting registered sex offender Steven Wilder Striegel in the film and not telling anyone, but that doesn’t mean everyone’s forgiven him — including Olivia Munn.

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Speaking with the Los Angeles Times at the Toronto International Film Festival, members of The Predator‘s cast addressed the controversy and Munn in particular revealed that she simply doesn’t accept Black’s apology.

“I don’t accept Shane’s apology,” Munn said. “It wasn’t given to me personally… A real apology has to be done privately — not just read publicly and I read it with the rest of the world.”

On Thursday, the Los Angeles Times reported that Fox, the studio behind The Predator, had deleted a scene featuring Striegel. The scene, his only one in the film, involved his character repeatedly hitting on Casey Bracket, played by Munn. According to the report, Munn learned on August 15 that Striegel is a registered sex offender after pleading guilty in 2010 to charges of risk of injury to a child and enticing a minor by computer in connection to his attempts to lure a 14-year-old girl into a sexual relationship online. Striegel served six months for the two felonies and told Black, who is friends with Striegel, at least a portion of his story. However, Black didn’t pass this information along. In his apology, Black said that he was “misled”.

“Having read this morning’s news reports, it has sadly become clear to me that I was misled by a friend I really wanted to believe was telling me the truth when he described the circumstances of his conviction. I believe strongly in giving people second chances — but sometimes you discover that chance is not as warranted as you may have hoped.”

“After learning more about the affidavit, transcripts and additional details surrounding Steve Striegel’s sentence, I am deeply disappointed in myself. I apologize to all of those, past and present, I’ve let down by having Steve around them without giving them a voice in the decision,” Black said.

It’s that lack of voice that Munn specifically called out.

“Whatever small amount of power or fame that I’ve created, I’m not willing to share it with someone like that,” Munn said. “And if Shane wants to share his platform and his power with someone like that, that’s on him. But I deserve to make that choice for myself.”

The Predator lands in theaters on September 14.