Girl Scouts Create Betty White Badge in Tribute

The entertainment world suffered a heartbreaking loss late last week, when actress and cultural icon Betty White passed away at the age of 99. White's tenure as an actress, humanitarian, and public figure impacted a massive number of people, and tributes for her have poured in in the week since her death. The latest heartfelt homage to White comes from the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, who are offering a nationwide program allowing for Girl Scouts to earn a commemorative patch in honor of White. The self-guided program teaches Girl Scouts about various aspects of White's career, with activities that include building a pretend TV, creating a game show, advocating for animals, and learning how to get along with others.

"We are truly saddened at Betty White's passing, but the incredible response to the patch program is a wonderful tribute to her impact on women," Heather Coburn, the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore revealed to "She is a strong role model for girls – a feminist, civil rights supporter, animal activist, brilliant actress, and overall nice human being."

The patch is the latest installment of the branch's Amazing Woman of the Month Series, which introduces Girl Scouts to the histories of noteworthy women through self-guided activities. Created by Stacy Petti, the series previously covered Shirley Chisholm, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Prior to White's death, the GSJS had already planned to have White be the focus of the January icon in conjunction with her 100th birthday, with 712 people signing up for the program. Following White's passing on December 31st, the registration numbers have jumped to over 2,000 participants nationwide.

If Girl Scouts would like to sign up to be part of the program and earn the Betty White commemorative badge, they can do so here for $10. 

"Even though Betty was about to be 100, I thought she would live forever," her agent and close friend Jeff Witjas shared with PEOPLE following her passing. "I will miss her terribly and so will the animal world that she loved so much. I don't think Betty ever feared passing because she always wanted to be with her most beloved husband Allen Ludden. She believed she would be with him again." 

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