Fans are excited about the upcoming Arrowverse “Elseworlds” crossover, which will see Green Arrow and Flash switching roles in an alternate universe scenario. In the last few days, fan artist BossLogic has been putting out his own series of “Elseworlds” artwork, which have seen characters from the DC and Marvel movie universes switching roles
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Now, you can check out what Suicide Squad‘s Joker, Jared Leto, would look like playing Loki in place of Tom Hiddleston, within the Marvel Cinematic Universe:

The BossLogic take on on this particular switch really does make you think about how Jared Leto would’ve been as the MCU Loki. HE certainly has the look: Leto’s signature wide eyes hold the look of scheming and mischief pretty well. The real question would be the actor’s approach in depicting Loki.
Leto is known for his sometimes over-the-top method acting techniques, as stories of him “getting into character” as Joker for Suicide Squad now live in infamy (sending co-stars dead rats, used condoms, etc…). One has to wonder what Leto would’ve done to get into the character of a royal Asgardian who is secretly one of the Frost Giants. Part of the reason Tom Hiddleston was so great as Loki is that he wasn’t afraid to have a winking sense of fun with the part, often hamming it up and chewing scenery in the best way. One has to wonder if Leto may have gone with a “deeper” and more tortured and brooding version of Loki, with some deep themes of self-identity that would’ve been fun for the Oscar-winning actor, but maybe not so fun for the legions of Marvel fans out there?…
In any event, Leto definitely looks the part. Knowing what we know now (and what Marvel Studios had to retcon), it’s a cool little detail that the Mind Stone seems to be embedded in Loki’s headpiece, instead of having the scepter that no one needed to have, in retrospect.
If you want to see the other side: here’s how Tom Hiddleston would look as The Joker.
What would you think of Jared Leto as Loki? Let us know in the comments!
Avengers: Infinity War and Ant-Man and the Wasp are now available as a digital download as well as on Blu-ray and DVD. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universemovies include Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.