
Updated: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Final Battle May Have Been Revealed Through Leaked LEGO Set

Update: These figures are actually part of the ‘Elephant JX’ brand, a knockoff of the LEGO […]

Update: These figures are actually part of the “Elephant JX” brand, a knockoff of the LEGO brand.

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Avengers: Endgame is still shrouded in mystery, but a new toy set might have just revealed some aspects of the big final battle between Thanos and the other Marvel heroes.

The new set is titled Endbattle in New York and is a pretty expansive set at 213 pieces. The set will evidently retail for $299.99 and features a larger than life Thanos holding what looks to be a massive Infinity Gauntlet with all the stones brimming with power. Despite being so much larger than the other heroes, it seems he also has several minions, including two more brutish beasts that breathe fire and have huge claws and another sentry that sports 3 wings on each side and jets in its feet.

In the back, a smaller Gauntlet can be seen, and of course, you have a few heroes fighting it out with Thanos and this crew. Spotted in the set are Iron Man, a suddenly alive Spider-Man (with his spider-arms in tow), Thor (with Stormbreaker), and a now alive Doctor Strange.

Now, it’s important to note that not every aspect or element of a toy makes it into a movie, as we all witnessed when certain LEGO battle sets from Avengers: Infinity War did not find their way into the movie (especially the more Black Order-centric sets). Still, this could be a hint of some things to come, and we’re anxious to see if these turn out to be legit.

You can check out the image above and the caption below.

“Novo vazamento Lego podeterrevelado a batalha final de #AvengersEndgame. (๐Ÿ“ธ IG: paul_seeley4)”

We imagine at some point Thanos could be the central figure the Avengers will be taking on, and we have plenty of theories, but some theories have Thanos working alongside the Avengers after someone else gets the Gauntlet, which would follow the throughline of the comics. In that story, Nebula ended up getting ahold of the Infinity Gauntlet, causing the other heroes to have to team-up with Thanos to take her down.

Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26th.

Do you want to see the fight go down this way in the movie? Let us know in the comments!


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