Kevin Smith Says Marvel Doesn't Really Have to Do Any Trailers for 'Avengers: Endgame'

It (almost) goes without saying that Avengers: Endgame is the most eagerly-anticipated film of [...]

It (almost) goes without saying that Avengers: Endgame is the most eagerly-anticipated film of 2019. Fans just can't wait to see if or how the remaining heroes set things right after Thanos wiped out half the life in the universe in The Decimation. It's that high level of anticipation that has filmmaker and mega fan Kevin Smith claiming Marvel doesn't need trailers for the film.

In a recent episode of his Hollywood Babble-On podcast, co-host Ralph Garman prepared to show Smith the latest trailer that aired during the Super Bowl as Smith had not yet seen it, noting how good of a job Marvel is doing with not revealing too much in the trailers. It was then that Smith made his bold claim.

"Let's be honest, they don't have to do any trailers," Smith said. "The trailer could literally be the Russo Brothers just walking out to a f**king empty chalk board and writing 'Endgame' and just standing there and being like [explosion noises] and we'd all be like 'What does it mean?!'"

To an extent, Smith isn't exactly wrong. When the Russo Brothers took to Twitter back in September, well before the first trailer for the film and even before the Endgame's title was even released with a cryptic photo captioned "Look hard...", it by itself was enough to send fans into a flurry of hype and activity. While most of that activity was devoted to attempting to decode the photo, it also spawned various plot theories and no doubt kept anticipation for the film high even though there will still, at that time, many months left before its debut.

However, even with his assertion that the trailers are unnecessary Smith certainly enjoyed the latest peek at Endgame. After watching the Super Bowl trailer, Smith declared his excitement, even going so far as to note that he'll be making his own movie -- Jay and Silent Bob Reboot -- and still thinking about Endgame.

"I can't wait, f**k. I'm literally going off to make a movie and I'm thinking about that movie," Smith said. "And I'm thinking about, like, Captain Marvel's going to happen while we're making our movie so I'm going to get to see that first, I get to see Captain Marvel while we're making Jay and Silent Bob Reboot and right when we're done, my reward? Endgame."

Smith is set to start production on Jay and Silent Bob Reboot on February 25, as he announced on Twitter Saturday.

"I first posted about #JayAndSilentBobReboot on @instagram 2/9/17," Smith wrote. "It's been 2 years and 1 week since that post, during which time I almost died. But a week from Monday, we finally start rolling on Reboot. Never give up, Kids. Even when your heart wants to."

What do you think about Smith's comments that Marvel doesn't need trailers for Endgame? Let us know your thoughts on the subject in the comments below.

Captain Marvel flies into theaters March 8th. Other Marvel movies set for release this year include Avengers: Endgame on April 26th and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.