Marvel Studios Officially Returning to Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con 2019

There has been a lot of uncertainty over the past few weeks as to whether or not Marvel Studios [...]

There has been a lot of uncertainty over the past few weeks as to whether or not Marvel Studios would host another panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year. With the Marvel Cinematic Universe in flux last summer after the release of Avengers: Infinity War, Kevin Feige and his team decided to skip the convention altogether. However, that won't be the case this year. Fans and attendees can rest easy, because Marvel is officially going to SDCC 2019.

The official Comic-Con International website now features a Marvel Studios panel on it's official convention schedule. If you head to the website and look at Saturday's lineup of events, you'll find Marvel Studios back in its prime time slot at 5:15 PM.

For Marvel fans, the news of this panel could not come at a better time. Spider-Man: Far From Home just made its theatrical debut this past week, bringing an end to the decade-spanning Infinity Saga. The film dropped a couple of big hints about the future of the MCU, though there's no telling what they could mean for what's to come.

With that in mind, the contents of this panel are just about as uncertain as the future of the entire MCU, if not more so. Marvel Studios has yet to officially announce any of its upcoming projects, including the standalone Black Widow movie that's already shooting over in Europe. That's how secretive the studio is being with its future. So the panel could consist of literally anything you could imagine, perhaps even some surprise casting announcements.

The description of the panel on Comic-Con International's website didn't help solve any problems either. It's incredibly vague, which is to be expected.

Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige and surprise panelists provide an inside look at the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Are you looking forward to Marvel's long-awaited return to San Diego Comic-Con? Will you be waiting in line to attend the panel? Let us know in the comments!