
An Avengers Star Says Marvel Movie-TV Crossover Wouldn’t Work

It’s no secret; The size of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is staggering. Created back in 2008, […]

It’s no secret; The size of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is staggering. Created back in 2008, Iron Man kicked off the ambitious project that has since spawned off more than a dozen films. The MCU contains a slew of television shows and tie-in comics which fans can’t get enough of. And, of course, audiences are always down to see a bit of crossover between titles. Films like Captain America: Civil War proved how the MCU could pull off a complicated crossover with plenty of iconic superheroes attached.

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Just, don’t expect for any of Marvel’s small screen heroes to make any cinematic stops. It doesn’t look like the studio is interested in tying its television shows into any future films.

Not long ago, ScreenGreek had a chance to speak with one of the star from the Avengers about the possible crossover. Anthony Mackie, who plays the Falcon, was in attendance at Wizard World Cleveland to speak with fans. It was there the actor told the site he just did not see how the mash-up would work.

“Different universes, different worlds, different companies, different designs. Kevin Feige is very specific about how he wants the Marvel Universe to be seen in the film world,” Mackie explained. “It wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t work at all.”

Of course, fans have heard similar comments to this before, but that have mostly been iterated by the stars of Marvel’s television projects. Last year, ScreenGeek learned from Charlie Cox that Daredevil had not been invited into any conversations about joining the MCU.

Speaking with ComicBook, Cox went on to say that he did think his heroic role would fit in with the Avenger’s aesthetic. Apparently, his snark is something Tony Stark would like.

“Some people have said that they wonder about, based on the tone the show, how Matt would fit in with the Avengers,” Cox told our site. Well, the actor has some comic book knowledge to drop on you, doubters. “I was reading Civil War the other day, and Matt Murdock… is kind of an ass. He’s in the back, standing around grumpy a lot of the time, and every now and again, he just says ‘Well, we’re not doing that’ or something to that effect, and I’m like, ‘That’s the character, we’re fine.’ So tonally, with Matt I think we’re right on point and he’d be a perfect fit in the larger MCU.”


So, what do you think? Are you still hoping Marvel may change its mind about separating its TV and film storylines?