Anthony Russo Teases 'Avengers: Endgame's Epic Narrative

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has over twenty films under its belt, bringing a menagerie of epic [...]

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has over twenty films under its belt, bringing a menagerie of epic comic book stories to life. And based off of comments from those close to Avengers: Endgame, the newest film will top things in a pretty major way.

In the film's recent cover story in Empire Magazine, Endgame co-director Anthony Russo teased that the film will, as fans probably expected, have an "epic narrative". The film's co-writer, Stephen McFeely, echoed that sentiment, saying that "It's just the most. It's just the biggest."

Considering the shocking ending that Avengers: Infinity War left things on, it's absolutely understandable that the follow-up would be pretty epic. Audiences everywhere became traumatized by Thanos (Josh Brolin) snapping half the universe to dust, a reaction that Marvel had been hoping to get.

"That ending, which we had been working on for many years, and I do remember people, on all of the movies we've made and I'm sure on many of the movies we'll make in the future, whenever the good guy wins, which is often — good guy, good woman, good hero wins — they go, 'Eh, it's kind of predictable. Good guy wins." Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said in the same interview. "Well, sometimes that's fun. But for years I remember thinking, 'I wonder what they're going to do when they don't?' Because we knew that was coming. And it couldn't have been better. The reaction was the best. The reaction. Was. The. Best."

Granted, details surrounding Endgame have been pretty vague thus far, with the footage thus far reportedly only revealing bits and pieces of the film's first act. So with so much of the film still a massive mystery, the Russos had an interesting task with telling a two-film story.

"It was important for us, because we wanted, the experience we wanted to have at the end of this story was the sense of emotional completion. In terms of what the narrative was in the film," Anthony Russo previously told "And hopefully they'll have that similar feeling...It's serialized story-telling. The mission was to not make one long movie and get out the scissors and cut it in half. Because that's never been the most fulfilling cinematic expression. So for us, the commitment was to try and put a beginning, middle, and end to this, and a beginning, middle, and end to that."

Captain Marvel is in theaters now. It will be followed by Avengers: Endgame on April 26th, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.