Avengers: Infinity War Nearly Explored Hulk & Black Widow Ship But It Got Cut

Avengers: Infinity War nearly explored Hulk and Black Widow’s relationship, but it got cut out. [...]

Avengers: Infinity War nearly explored Hulk and Black Widow's relationship, but it got cut out. The film's writers revealed the detail during Comicbook.com's Quarantine Watch Party. Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were down to answer just about everything Marvel fans had to ask. It only makes sense to wonder about the status of Hulk and Black Widow after everything came to screeching halt in Avengers: Endgame. Well, for Markus and McFeely everything about Infinity War came down to keeping things on track. There were multiple versions of the script where different things happened. When it came down to it, everything had to revolve around the stones and setting up a gigantic finale in Avengers: Endgame.

As they said on Twitter, "Wrote it. Shot it. Got cut. As did anything that wasn't on the stone plot." Sometimes there just isn't time. Already today they've mentioned the fan-favorite version of Doctor Strange's rescue where he and Tony Stark switch power sets. With Iron Man rocking the Cloak of Levitation and Strange in the armor. Fans also got a look at the "fake gauntlet" from Age of Ultron's teaser and an explanation of how it stacks up to the gauntlet from this film. So, there's a ton that got left on the floor. Not to mention the Nova plot points that were supposed to be near the beginning of the film.

Previously Markus and McFeely told Empire's podcast about the Hulk and Nat decision and echoed their thoughts here.

"We certainly tried to," McFeely said. "In Infinity War we have [unused] scenes…wrote 'em, shot 'em…of them sort of hashing that out... You've been gone, I've moved on' – that kind of stuff... It became very clear that if a scene was not on the 'A plot', it could not survive Infinity War. That thing has to be on rails just to get to the finish line... You couldn't wrap up loose threads just because you wanted to."

There are bound to be some more revelations as the Watch Party rolls on. If you're a bit late to the party, that's okay! With the film starting at 7pm ET on the dot, it is easy to join the Quarantine Watch Party late in the game. Fast forward 15 minutes and press play at 7:15pm ET, or get a later start by jumping to the 30:00 mark of the movie and press play at 7:30pm ET, and so on until you are caught up for the best live experience with everyone else!

Avengers: Infinity War is coming to Disney+ on June 25 and you can watch Avengers: Endgame now on Disney+ by clicking here.

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Do you wish there could have been some closure for Black Widow and Hulk? Let us know down in the comments!