New 'Avengers: Infinity War' Photo Teams Magic And Science

Avengers: Infinity War will feature several interesting team-ups, including this new squadron of [...]

Avengers: Infinity War will feature several interesting team-ups, including this new squadron of magic and science.

Marvel released a new image from the film that features a potent squad made up of Doctor Strange, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Wong (via EW). Strange and Wong seem to be in defensive positions, while Stark is more curious than anything. As for Banner, he seems a bit awestruck.

Are they looking at Thanos? The Black Order? A portal? Who knows, but whatever it is has left a trail of destruction already, as there are cars on fire and ambulances in the background.

(Photo: EW)

You can check out the new image above.

There are so many heroes featured in Infinity War that teaming up is necessary to get the spotlight on all of them, and Tony Stark actor Robert Downey Jr. was quite happy with his team.

"I love how Cumberbatch just comes in and kind of draws flaming circles anywhere and can basically step into your movie," Downey Jr. said. "That's fun. And we wanted to keep a little bit of the Science Bros thing alive, even though Ruffalo has been on such an amazing Banner/Hulk journey himself. I really, really, really enjoyed getting to know and work with and play around with Benedict as Strange. Benedict Wong also, by the way is fantastic."

As for the stakes, they are truly high here, though that has been said about other films in the past.

"Believe me, I'm tired of every movie, you know, "It's the end! It's Armageddon! It's the Be All, End All, Forever!" And then it's … not. This one actually is. [Laughs] They're not kidding. This is a heads-will-roll scenario," Downey Jr. said.

The MCU is definitely not prepared for the chaos Thanos brings, but it should make for one entertaining movie, and that 50 days can't pass fast enough.

Fans can still enjoy Black Panther, which is in theaters now. Avengers: Infinity War lands in theaters on April 27, and Ant-Man and The Wasp soars into theaters on July 6. Captain Marvel hits theaters on March 8, 2019, followed by Avengers 4 on May 3, 2019.