Chris Evans Calls Robert Downey Jr. a "Legend" for His Work Outside the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Robert Downey Jr. may be done playing Iron Man, but the actor is still channeling Tony Stark in a [...]

Robert Downey Jr. may be done playing Iron Man, but the actor is still channeling Tony Stark in a big way. Yesterday, it was announced that Downey Jr. was helping to launch a new initiative called the Footprint Coalition. The goal of this new initiative is to use robotics, artificial intelligence, and technology to clean up the Earth, with the hope of reversing its carbon footprint within a decade. Many people have being talking about Downey Jr.'s latest project on social media, including his Marvel Cinematic Universe co-star, Chris Evans. The actor best known for playing Captain American shared an article about the Footprint Coalition, and called his friend a "legend."

Many fans commented on Evans' post, which already has over 680,000 likes.

"THE BEST FRIENDSHIP," @ironspxder wrote.

"I just hope he can keep 45 from getting his hands on all the Infinity Stones," @johnpavlovitz joked.

"RDJ needs to build a tower and call it Downey Tower," @Theslasher411 added.


Also, this adorable gif:

Downey Jr. spoke more about the project during Amazon's re:MARS conference.

"Quick disclaimer, I don't pretend to understand the complexities we face as a species, just because I portrayed a genius in my professional life. My scholastic achievement peaked at a correctional finishing," Downey Jr. said (via Business Insider). "...Recently, I was at a table with super smart, impressive, expert folks about six months ago, and the following statement was made: 'between robotics and technology, we could probably clean up the planet significantly, if not entirely within a decade.' Being essentially a 54-year-old child, I said, 'Let's do it! Let's commit to a process, let's form a coalition.' And that did not inspire the reaction I expected. It was dead silence."

You can still catch Evans and Downey Jr. in Avengers: Endgame, which also stars Josh Brolin (Thanos), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), Brie Larson (Captain Marvel), Danai Gurira (Okoye), Paul Rudd (Ant-Man), Karen Gillan (Nebula), Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), Don Cheadle (War Machine), Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie), and Bradley Cooper (Rocket Raccoon).

Avengers: Endgame is still playing in theaters everywhere. Other MCU films include Captain Marvel, which will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on June 11th, and Spider-Man Far From Home, which lands in theaters on July 2nd.