Doctor Strange's Cloak Slaps Tony Stark In New 'Avengers: Infinity War' Clip

The realm of magic is something Tony Stark will quickly have to come to terms with in Avengers: [...]

The realm of magic is something Tony Stark will quickly have to come to terms with in Avengers: Infinity War, especially if he doesn't want to constantly get slapped.

Who would be doing the slapping you ask? Well, that would be Doctor Strange's delightful Cloak of Levitation, who took a liking to the good Doctor in the original film. The cloak is back in action in Infinity War, and in a new clip from the film shows a distaste for Tony Stark's casualness in the Sanctum.

Doctor Strange tries to explain the danger of Thanos to Stark, saying "He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of."

Stark seems to be stretching his legs and takes a jab at Strange's way of communicating. "Did you seriously just say hitherto undreamt of?"

Strange points the finger right back at Stark, who is using one of the artifacts in the Sanctum to lean on while he stretches, saying "Are you seriously leaning on the cauldron of the cosmos?"

Before Stark can respond though the Cloak takes matters into his own hands and swats Tony to get away from the cauldron. Stark looks befuddled by what just happened, saying "I'm going to allow that." Stark thought Thanos was the only thing he had to worry about, but don't go pissing off the Cloak man...not smart.

You can view the full clip in the video above.

The Cloak took a liking to Doctor Strange in the original film, one of the many relics in the Sanctum. Unlike other Relics, the Cloak has a mind of its own and pretty much does what it wants to keep Doctor Strange safe. Therefore, if Strange was offended at Stark, the Cloak took matters into its own hands.

This pairing is one of the many fans have been looking forward to with Infinity War, and should lead to some amazing humorous moments according to co-director Joe Russo.

"And in this film, you've got a lot of ya know really unique personalities clashing so we knew we were going to lean into the humor," Russo said. "The way that we balance it in the script phase and on set with the actors is we do a lot of improvisation. We have a lot of very funny people on the set, so typically we wait for the first take or two we'll have them stick to script and then we let them go off script and probably shoot five or six more takes off script, and then you get in the edit room with all that footage and you spend hours and hours combing through it until you find the right combination that balances the tone and gets the humor across but keeps the stakes moving forward."

Marvel Studios' Black Panther is now playing in theaters. Avengers: Infinity War hits theaters on April 27, 2018. It is followed by Ant-Man and The Wasp on July 6, 2018, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.