Bradley Cooper Is the Best Choice to Direct 'Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3'

James Gunn was fired from Disney this past July, leaving his position as Guardians of the Galaxy [...]

James Gunn was fired from Disney this past July, leaving his position as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 director completely vacant. Marvel Studios is still planning to use Gunn's script, which everyone is excited about, but it's a bit disheartening to see one of the most beloved Marvel mini-franchises without someone at the helm. You'd think that Marvel would be in a hurry to land another director to replace Gunn, but therein lies the problem: It seems like people don't want to take this job.

Gunn's DNA is all over the Guardians series. It's very much his baby. Every director who feels like a good fit for the off-beat and uplifting story has been asked in interviews if they'd like to take on the third movie, and they've all responded the same way; "That's James Gunn's movie." Edgar Wright, Taika Waititi, Joe Carnahan and numerous other filmmakers continue their support for Gunn, perpetuating the idea that someone else shouldn't come in and take over. While we would all agree with this sentiment, that ship has sailed. James Gunn is working with DC and Warner Bros. on a new Suicide Squad movie, so he's not coming back to Guardians. The best options seem off the table, and this movie is probably a finale for the Guardians characters so it's important to do it right.

So what is Marvel going to to about the Guardians 3 issue? Well, the answer that makes the most sense is right under the studio's nose. Of course I'm talking about Bradley Cooper.

Before you get all up in arms about all this, just hear me out. Cooper taking over Guardians 3 makes sense on just about every level. I'll explain.

First off, Cooper has established himself as a good director. He's only made one movie, but that movie was last year's A Star Is Born, which not only found itself nominated for a slew of Academy Awards but also made $417 million at the global box office on a $36 million budget. Cooper showed that he is talented behind the camera, and is capable of pulling emotional performances out of some of Hollywood's big names. If Marvel wants to make a splash and get people excited, even those outside of the MCU fandom, Cooper is a great direction to go.

Yes, I understand that there are directors more versed in the world of sci-fi filmmaking, and a dramatic musical isn't exactly the best audition for a Marvel movie, but he has an edge over all of them here. The cast of the Guardians franchise, Cooper included, has stood behind James Gunn through this entire process. They have made it clear that, while this movie is most definitely getting made, they don't really want anyone else but Gunn behind the camera. This creates a problem for any new director coming in. Someone established, like Waititi or Wright, could handle the transition based on their experience. They'd know the delicate balance needed to make this work. A young up-and-comer might face significant challenges when dealing with a cast that wishes deep in their hearts that their beloved leader was still behind the camera. Cooper fixes both of these problems.

Bradley Cooper may be new to directing, but he's not knew to this Guardians family. Cooper lent his voice to Rocket Raccoon since the first Guardians film in 2014. While he may not have been on set day after day during the production of the first two films, he was a part of that special something they were building. He's their brother, plain and simple. If Cooper was at the helm, it wouldn't feel like someone new taking over, but rather a sibling stepping up and helping guide the entire crew through what's sure to be a difficult time.

This could apply to any members of the Guardians cast, don't get me wrong. Zoe Saldana or Sean Gunn could easily step in and fill the same role, providing just as seamless a transition for everyone else. Same goes for cinematographer Ben Davis, who shot the first Guardians movie, as well as Doctor Strange, Age of Ultron, and Captain Marvel. Any of these people who have been part of the Guardians process could step up and take over, Cooper is just the one fresh off directing an award-winning, financially successful film.

Honestly, the only thing that really stands in the way of this being a perfect fit is Cooper's willingness to do so. After an emotionally-driven, grounded story like A Star Is Born, he may not want to move to an effects-heavy franchise. That's understandable, but there are also ways around that. With as many small studios as Disney owns, including the soon-to-be-owned Fox Searchlight, the company could easily make Cooper in future offer if Kevin Feige wants him for Guardians. Studios often cut deals with filmmakers that pull them in for a popular tentpole feature, in exchange for a more personal passion project later on. That would make a lot of sense for Cooper and Disney both.

Nothing has been confirmed regarding the director of Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 3, other than the fact that James Gunn won't be coming back. But someone has to make the movie, and while there may be better directors on the market, there are none that are better suited for this delicate situation than Bradley Cooper.