Iron Man: Where Can We Get These Wonderful Toys?

On a daily basis, we get a handful of messages from readers wanting to call our attention to cool [...]

Iron Man repulsor ray lamp

On a daily basis, we get a handful of messages from readers wanting to call our attention to cool t-shirts, toys and other paraphernalia, most of which never merits an actual story because unless it's amazing, what can you say about a single item? Within a few days, though, we've had fans point us in the direction of two cool Iron Man items, and it seemed worth giving you a chance to check 'em out--even if only one of them is for sale. The not-for-sale one, which is a shame because it's pretty great, is the lamp shown at right. Using Iron Man's gauntlet as a lamp, with the repulsor ray as the lightbulb, is such a clever idea it's really a bit shocking that Marvel hasn't come up with it yet--and don't be too surprised if Disney has a similar product on the market now that the idea's out there in the ether. Sadly, for now, this is just a fan-created project, but a pretty cool one.

Iron Man iphone case

This next item, though, you can actually buy--but at $50 and exclusive to iPhone 5, it's probably got a pretty limited audience. Still, it's pretty cool. The Iron Man Mark VII armor is fashioned into a protective case for your iPhone, complete with a working power light in the chest and a shoulderpad that can slide out to let you use the camera on you phone. Taking away the fact that the shoulder seems likely to break quickly if you're anything like I am, this is a great item that I'd buy in a heartbeat if I had an iPhone 5, or $50 to blow...