The Guardians are used to having their backs against the wall, but even they have a hard time digesting a triple scale invasion of earth, a coalition spearheaded by none other than Thanos. There’s staying cool under pressure and then there’s being made of ice, and the Guardians are certainly not the latter.
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All of this comes to a head in Guardians of the Galaxy #19, which in addition to being the end of the current arc is also the last issue for writer Brian Michael Bendis. The writer is going out with a bang though, and you can catch the’s exclusive preview of the issue on the following slides. recently had the chance to speak to Bendis about his departure from the series, and why he chose to leave the book no. Bendis said “It was a couple of things. Number one, I had an end story that I’ve been building to and it’s time to unleash it. Number two, there were other projects offered to me that I was like, “Oh, I do want to do that!” and something has to go. Even I have a bandwidth cap, even though no one in Marvel thinks that I do.”
“It was like, “Well, I could leave Guardians, and I could leave Guardians the month the movie comes out or the month before, giving the new creative team the opportunity to really blow the roof off the place,” and that’s cool,” said Bendis. “The new creative team is one that I like. I want to tee them up in a good way, but at the same time, I really want to land my ending in a big way. All the pieces fell together in the way that said I can leave in a big, classy cool way, and at the same time, get the new guys ready and give them a really strong push, because I know the new writer very well, I was able to go, “What do you want? What do you need from me? What don’t you need from me? Who’s staying? Who’s going?”
Guardians of the Galaxy #19 is written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Valerio Schiti and a cover from Arthur Adams. Bendis’ final issue, which totals in at 37 pages, will also include a number of variant covers from some of Marvel’s best artists, and you can view those and the exclusive preview by hitting the next slide. The official description can be found below.
Brian Michael Bendis’ last issue! It’s all built to this! GROUNDED comes to a conclusion with this double-sized blockbuster as Brian Michael Bendis wraps up his epic run on GUARDIANS! With the team stuck on Earth and scattered to the winds, could the only thing to bring them together truly beโฆTHANOS? Featuring art by series artist Valerio Schiti and special guest artists to celebrate the end of an era!
Guardians of the Galaxy #19 hits comic shops on April 12, 2017.
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Guardians of the Galaxy #19

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Guardians of the Galaxy #19 3

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Guardians of the Galaxy #19 5

Guardians of the Galaxy #19 6

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