Jake Gyllenhaal Goes on Bizarre Rant About Benedict Cumberbatch, Calls Him a Cabbage Patch Kid

The press circuit can get a bit tiring. Actors are forced to sit in small rooms for many hours a [...]

The press circuit can get a bit tiring. Actors are forced to sit in small rooms for many hours a day, traveling from one country to the next as they promote their next blockbuster project. So sometimes they have to do things to stay entertained. Strange things. Especially Jake Gyllenhaal, who is partaking in his first Marvel Studios publicity blitz in support of Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Gyllenhaal recently sat alongside co-star Tom Holland for an interview with IGN, and when Doctor Strange actor Benedict Cumberbatch was mentioned, Gyllenhaal went on a bizarre rant about the actor's relation to the Cabbage Patch Kids. You kinda have to see it for yourself because... oh boy.

The actor is obviously having a lot of fun with his responsibilities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since he joined social media with his epic Instagram account last year, he's been making waves with jokes about Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, as well as Holland.

But he also understands the expectations of bringing one of Spider-Man's greatest foes to life on the big screen, as he recently stated in an interview with GQ.

"Walking into the MCU, the Marvel Universe, it's huge. There's sort of a lot that's expected of you, in the process of making the movies and also as the character," Gyllenhaal explained. "And it's the same kind of feeling of someone giving you that suit and putting it on and going, 'Is this right for me?'"

He added, "I think people love that character and it's so different from the character in the comics, and when you're doing something as different from the comics as we did in this, I think you go like [winces]."

Some people might be surprised that Gyllenhaal, known for his intimate roles and shying from blockbusters, would be involved in the MCU. But he explained his reasoning for playing Mysterio earlier this year to the LA Times.

"It's great. He's a great character. It's one of those things, people have asked me for a number of years, 'You wanna do a movie like that? If you were asked to, would you?' And my response has always been, particularly since being at Sundance, so many of the stories have always been, for many years since I've been coming here, character-driven, and that has always been my desire, is to find something in that space, that seems to match my skill and also my own honesty. And it just so happened that it does with that part, so I'm glad that people feel excited about it."

Spider-Man: Far From Home premieres in theaters on Tuesday, July 2nd.