Josh Brolin Calls Deadpool 2 Stuntwoman Death A "Freak Accident"

Earlier this year the cast and crew of Deadpool 2 lost stuntwoman Joi Harris during filming, and [...]

Earlier this year the cast and crew of Deadpool 2 lost stuntwoman Joi Harris during filming, and Josh Brolin reflected on the loss and how it happened.

Harris was performing a stunt on a motorcycle for Zazie Beetz' character Domino, but things went wrong and she was thrown from the bike after it crashed through a ground-floor studio at Shaw Tower. The cast and crew held a vigil a few days later for Harris, and Brolin (who plays Cable) recently addressed what happened.

"We had somebody pass away on Deadpool 2 and it was an absolute freak accident," Brolin told EW. "The woman was such a wonderful woman … it wasn't even a stunt, it was a freak accident. It was a terrible thing that happened. Was it a nano-decision that she made in order to save the bike and this, you know what I mean? You could look into it all [these ways], but sometimes things just happen that are tragic."

Reports from the set indicate that Harris, who was a professional road racer, practiced the scene multiple times without an issue, but lost control during the last take. It was also recorded that she did not wear a helmet for the stunt since Domino doesn't wear one in the film.

Deadpool star Ryan Reynolds expressed his sorrow not only for himself but for Harris' friends and family.

"Today, we tragically lost a member of our crew while filming Deadpool," Reynolds said. "We're heartbroken, shocked and devastated...but recognize nothing can come close to the grief and inexplicable pain her family and loved ones must feel in this moment. My heart pours out to them -- along with each and every person she touched in this world."

20th Century Fox also released a statement at the time, saying "We are deeply saddened by the accident that occurred on the set of Deadpool 2 this morning," the statement reads. "Our hearts and prayers are with the family, friends, and colleagues of our crew member during this difficult time."

Deadpool 2 opens in theaters on June 1, 2018.

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