Kevin Feige Teases Unexpected Team-ups In Marvel Cinematic Universe

One benefit of building your own cinematic universe is that when the need to fill the screen with [...]

One benefit of building your own cinematic universe is that when the need to fill the screen with faces comes around, you've got plenty of characters to choose from. For Avengers: Infinity War, that full toybox will result in some interesting combinations.

Marvel President Kevin Feige recently spoke to Vulture about the upcoming Russo Brothers film and was asked what unlikely team up he was most looking forward to.

"There are so many, but I would say, both because of the characters and the actors who've created them, Doctor Strange and Tony Stark. Particularly in Infinity War and the movie after that," Feige teased, smiling, "there are … unexpected team-ups."

The Russo's have shown a steady hand when directing so many characters, and that deft touch extends to the screenplay as well.

"Well it's about the screenplay and Chris Markus and Steve McFeely — out of everyone we've worked with — have a very deft hand with balance," Feige said. There are a lot of characters in [the first] Captain America; there are a lot of characters in The Winter Soldier, and of course Civil War has as many as we've ever had, so it's in very capable hands [when] it comes to divvying up the storylines in a way that services a primary narrative but [also] showcases many characters."

Even with the increased amount of pieces to work with, the amount of screentime isn't dealt out equally by any means, and some characters will have smaller arcs while others take most of the screentime.

"When outlining it we certainly had those conversations. I mean in the same way, that in Civil War not everyone has the same amount of scenes or lines, I think you can assume that with so many characters we'll have to be as rigorous right? Where we say well these people will have sort of larger stories and these people will have smaller stories, and hopefully, they can flip in some cases. I know a few right off the top of my head that have a small part here and bigger part here."

Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol. 2 releases on May 5, 2017. Thor: Ragnarok will follow on November 3, 2017. The Avengers: Infinity War movies recently began production in Atlanta and are set for release in 2018 and 2019.