Marvel Announces 'Infinity Wars'
Marvel fans finally know what Infinity Countdown is counting down towards.Marvel has officially [...]
Marvel fans finally know what Infinity Countdown is counting down towards.
Marvel has officially announced the next chapter in their ongoing cosmic saga, Infinity Wars.
Infinity Wars will be the sequel to Infinity Countdown. The series is written by Infinity Countdown writer Gerry Duggan, drawn by artist Mike Deodato Jr., and colored by Frank Martin.
The story begins in Infinity Wars: Prime #1 in July. Here's the brief description offered by Marvel:
"In INFINITY WARS: PRIME #1, the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe reap what they sow as their frantic search for the Infinity Stones leads to cosmic madness like never before. The simmering events of recent months spiral into something much, much bigger in this colossal story."
Marvel teases that more details will be revealed at the C2E2 convention, which begins on April 6th. Check out Deodato's cover below.
The cover features several major players in the Marvel Universe, including Adam Warlock, Doctor Strange, Gamora, Captain Marvel, Star-Lord, Thanos, and Loki.
The currently ongoing Infinity Countdown event finds many Marvel characters, both those on Earth and those at home amongst the stars, scrambling for control of the mighty Infinity Stones. The series has always been billed as the buildup to an even bigger event.
"I was a big fan of Walt Simonson's Thor back in the day, and it had these little hints in every issue that back then before the internet it was leading up to something we didn't know," Marvel's editor-in-chief CB Cebulski said in a trailer for Infinity Countdown. "It was like a preview, Doom, Doom, Doom. We kind of took some inspiration from that to tell this story, and it's going to be featured in Infinity Countdown leading up to the next event."
"As we worked on the Infinity Stones' story, it became clear the story was much bigger than we could contain in the Guardians of the Galaxy series," said editor Jordan D. White in a statement. "It starts with the Guardians, but the story extends out into the entire Marvel Universe, with stones popping up in some VERY surprising places. Countdown is the next step in the story…but as the name implies, it's leading to something even greater."
Infinity Wars kicks off in July.