New Captain America: Civil War Concept Art Released

Talented artist Alexander Lozano hs recently unveiled some unused Captain America: Civil War [...]

Cap Civil War Alexander Lozano
(Photo: Alexander Lozano)

Talented artist Alexander Lozano hs recently unveiled some unused Captain America: Civil War concept art, and to say it's breathtaking is an understatement.

The piece shows the two team leaders Cap and Iron Man taking the gloves off in a face to face encounter. The intricacies in Iron Man's half destroyed armor is unreal, and the likeness to Cap actor Chris Evans is spot on.

On his Tumblr page, Lozano wrote: "…this was an unused piece that I was inspired to create at the end of working on the project. I wanted to show them fighting with their gloves off. hope you like it!"

You can check out his other work on his Tumblr and Facebook pages.

via Alexander Lozano Tumblr