Supermarket Apologizes For Naming Black Panther Costume Incorrectly

A supermarket found itself in hot water with Black Panther fans, and they've certainly heard those [...]

A supermarket found itself in hot water with Black Panther fans, and they've certainly heard those fans loud and clear.

It all started when Tesco posted a Black Panther costume for sale on their website. The costume itself is perfectly fine, but fans noticed the description didn't say Black Panther. Instead, it said Dark Panther, and it didn't' take long for that to start making the rounds on the internet.

Plenty of fans commented on the mislabeled item, taking Tesco to task for their oversight, though some accused them of intentionally mislabelling it. Tesco responded to those comments with a statement to BBC Newsbeat, saying "This was a mistake and we are extremely sorry for any offense caused."

Ironically Dark Panther sounds like a superhero in one of those bootleg superhero action figure packages. You know, the ones that always have a Power Ranger, Batman, and Shrek for some odd reason. Expect Dark Panther to show up in those packs in the future.

As for the actual film Black Panther, it couldn't be doing any better. The film has already surpassed $700 million worldwide and has overtaken several other powerhouse Marvel movies in its domestic wake, including films like Iron Man 3, Captain America: Civil War, and the original Spider-Man. Currently, the film sits at $411 million domestically, right behind Wonder Woman's $412 million. It could very well pass that later this week, and by the end of its run it could also pass films like The Dark Knight Rises ($448 million), and Avengers: Age of Ultron ($459 million).

It's doubtful it will surpass either The Dark Knight ($534 million) or Marvel's The Avengers ($623 million), but hey, you never know right?

Right now it ranks #94 on the all-time list (via Box Office Mojo), behind films like Up $735 million), Coco ($739 million), and The Matrix Reloaded ($742 million), but it could definitely make a big jump in the next few weeks.

Black Panther currently holds an 83.28 on's composite rankings, putting it at #11 all-time. It also holds a 3.87 out of 5 on the user rankings, placing it in the #20 spot.

Black Panther is currently in theaters.