These Classic X-Men Artists Inspired the Look of 'The Gifted'

Two of the X-Men's most iconic artists are responsible for inspiring FOX's The Gifted.Producer [...]

Two of the X-Men's most iconic artists are responsible for inspiring FOX's The Gifted.

Producer Derek Hoffman took to Twitter to share a look at the show's Hound gauntlets. He praised the production design and credited two artists with its inspiration.

"Solo Hound. Great work by @TheGiftedonFOX prop team," Hoffman tweeted. "@JimLee & Barry Windsor-Smith inspired #thegifted"

Jim Lee is a name well-known to comic book fans. These days, he's co-publisher of DC Entertainment, but Lee made a name for himself drawing the X-Men.

Lee is best known for drawing X-Men #1, which is still the best-selling comic book of all time. He also co-created characters like Gambit and Omega Red. His character designs inspired X-Men: The Animated Series.

Barry Windsor-Smith is less known to mainstream fans, but most regard him as a master artist. Smith drew several classic single-issue X-Men stories, including "Wounded Wolf" and "Lifedeath." He also wrote and drew the Marvel Comics Presents "Weapon X" series. The series revealed Wolverine's history with Weapon X and how he got his adamantium.

Smith's influence is evident in the intricacies of the Hound manacle tech. Lee's is on the test suits that Lauren and Andy war at Trask industries. They resemble Genoshan mutate suits from the "X-Tinction Agenda" event. These nods may be some of the Easter eggs that star Coby Bell told about.

"They're doing a lot of cool stuff that I think the audience won't even realize until season two or season three if we can get that far that they're planting right now

"They're deep into that. They really want to give the fans what they want, and they respect where the fans are coming from and how loyal the fans are, so they don't want to let them down. We're working really hard not to let them down."

The Gifted is off next week. The series will return for its two-hour finale on FOX on January 15th.