Theater In Trouble For Showing Deadpool Attempting To Get Restraining Order Against Utah

If you've ever wanted to see an R-rated film in Utah, the latest conflict between the state and a [...]

Deadpool Utah

If you've ever wanted to see an R-rated film in Utah, the latest conflict between the state and a local theatre called Brewvies might be of interest to you.

A request for a restraining order against Utah's Alcohol Control Authority has been filed by Brewvies lawyer (via Fox 13) in response to a threat to revoke the theaters license over showing Deadpool in its theatre. This is not the first time the two have clashed either, as the same back and forth happened over The Hangover Part II, Ted 2, and Magic Mike XXL, coupled with a fine.

It stems from a law in Utah that prohibits anyone with a liquor license showing nudity or listed sexual acts. Brewvies lawyer released a statement, saying: "This Court should grant Brewvies's request for a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction, and a permanent injunction to prevent the chilling effect on free speech and the unconstitutional fine, or threat of a fine, and possible suspension or revocation of Brewvies's liquor license that will follow if the defendants are allowed to continue to punish and threaten to punish Brewvies for showing films protected under the First Amendment and the Utah Constitution."

The Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control issued mostly a no comment response but did have this to add. "The Attorney General does not make the law. Our duty is to defend both the state agency and the laws that are passed by the people. We will continue to advise DABC and defend their enforcement of current state law. The proper channel for changing state law is through the legislative process," said Daniel Burton, a spokesman for Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes."

You can read the entire restraining order request here.