Kevin Smith Is Auctioning off His Old Jerseys for Charity

Kevin Smith is known for a lot of things including his work in film, television, and comic books, [...]

Kevin Smith is known for a lot of things including his work in film, television, and comic books, but he's also known for his wardrobe as well -- specifically his love of wearing hockey jerseys. However, since a major lifestyle change has led to dramatic weight loss, Smith is parting ways with his iconic wardrobe by auctioning them off for charity.

Smith took to Twitter on Tuesday to share that his "closet full of sweaters" will be auctioned off to benefit his charity, The Wayne Foundation.

"Wanna wear the old jerseys of someone from New Jersey?" Smith wrote. "After dropping the weight, I have a closet full of sweaters that don't fit anymore so @JamieWalton is auctioning them off to benefit our charity, @TheWayneFDN! Click the link below!"

The link Smith references goes to an eBay auction for the jerseys. There are seven total jerseys up for bid, each one autographed and coming with a certificate of authenticity. The charity the auction benefits, The Wayne Foundation was founded by Walton and Smith and is dedicated to "spreading awareness of human trafficking occurring in the United States and providing direct services for young women victimized by commercial exploitation."

Smith's announcement about the jerseys being auctioned off for charity the latest update on the articles of clothing. Earlier this year, Bill Maher went on a rant about the comic book industry, taking the time to throw shade at the way some comic fans dress with the show putting up a photo of Smith, who was wearing his uniform of hockey jersey and jean shorts, on the screen. However, since losing a substantial amount of weight after his near-fatal heart attack, Smith's style has changed considerably as well and, as he explained to Marvel's Joe Quesada, it isn't so much that he's done with hockey jerseys, but they're done with him.

"I wasn't' done with the hockey jerseys, @JoeQuesada -- the hockey jerseys were done with me," Smith wrote on Twitter. "But we still text each other on rainy days or whenever we're feeling sentimental. One night we tried a hockey jersey booty call. But it just wasn't the same anymore. We'd both changed."

Now, it seems those jerseys will be working to bring about other forms of change as well, especially when it comes to victims of sex trafficking.

What do you think about Smith auctioning off his jerseys for charity? Will you be checking out the auction and bidding on them yourself? Let us know in the comments below.