
Avengers: Age of Ultron Shooting Action Scene in Italy Today

It’s difficult to tell whether international footage was always meant to shoot early in the […]

It’s difficult to tell whether international footage was always meant to shoot early in the process or whether Scarlett Johansson’s pregnancy has moved up some of the Black Widow/international spy stuff, but in any case, Avengers: Age of Ultron will reportedly be filming a big, action set piece with “detonations,” firearms and hundreds of extras today at the Fortress of Bard in Aosta, Italy.According to Comic Book Movie, this is the start of principal photography, featuring “intense battle scenes” within the fortress with cast members Jeremy Renner, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen on hand.Their report, sourced from Aosta Cronaca, also says Johansson may appear — which probably means somebody saw her name on a call sheet but she has yet to arrive. The site also reports that around 400 extras will be included and the shoot will continue throughout the weekend. The city has alerted that during the day there will be “detonations and/or seizure of a firearm” but ensured “the absolute absence of risk and danger.”

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Avengers: Age of Ultron Captain America: The Winter Soldier Avengers: Age of Ultron