
Daredevil Season 2 Recap With Spoilers: Penny And Dime

A man holds a drink in front of a group in a church. He says a prayer as a toast. The door opens […]

A man holds a drink in front of a group in a church. He says a prayer as a toast. The door opens behind them, we see they’re surrounded by caskets. They are surprised to see the man but calm when they see it’s their friend Finn. Finn is handed a drink before approaching and opening a specific casket. He reflects on what happened to the man inside and finishes his drink before pouring another. The apparent leader of the group reminds Finn, “Death is part of the deal,” and Finn stabs him in the eye. Finn rises back up and pops a pill before having another drink. He rallies the men to find the shooter who took their money and friends’ lives. He opens up a casket and shows the man inside’s missing hand and knocks it over, threatening his men about what will happen if they don’t find the shooter.

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The men run around New York City, aggressively asking questions about the shooter. They shoot a man for information and are lead to The Punisher’s apartments where they find their dog. Finn investigates the place and declares he isn’t one for “fancy living.” Finn finds something on Frank’s map on the wall and leads his men to the location. As they leave, The Punisher looks on from across the street.

Matt gets dressed and opens the door to find Karen. She jumps to help him tie his tie. She asks if he is okay and he says he’s just recovering, feeling better now with her. He compliments her tie skills and she reveals she learned from helping her brother, a brother who Matt never knew about because he never asked.

At the church, a Priest delivers a eulogy for Elliott. The only people in the church are Foggy, Matt, and Karen. The Father tells them a story about Elliott and how he would put various items from change to a Rolex watch in the collections in hope of redemption which would never come. He concludes that no matter how a person lives their life, when someone dies, a world is lost. Matt stays back with the Father and dismisses Karen and Foggy. He compliments the sermon but suggests the Priest should’ve said something nice. The Priest tells him funerals are for the living and there is no sense in changing history. They reflect on The Punisher killing the Irish family and eventually Grotto and Matt feels guilty about not being able to do more. He wants forgiveness. The Priest tells him guilt can be a good thing, it’s the soul’s call to action. He says the only way to fix the feeling is to mend his actions and the guilt means his work is not yet finished.

The Punisher holds a flashlight in his mouth as he digs a bullet out of his own wrist and bandages it up. He exits a van, where he’s keeping the briefcase with the handcuffs on it.

Karen, Foggy, and Matt discuss the X-ray with the bullet hole in the skull. She wants to track down The Punisher. She questions whether she’s insane or if there’s actually more to the story and Matt tells her she is compassionate, not crazy. Foggy reminds Matt that they have real clients who need help. After discussing a client, they call for Karen but she disappeared with The Punisher files.

Daredevil approaches his costume designer who claims he is early and he doesn’t like being rushed. Melvin is excited about this new suit, claiming it’s close to indestructible and revealing that other men have asked for sutis but he turned them down.

Karen approaches a janitor at the hospital and he’s terrified. She invites him for coffee to talk about why he lost his job.

Outside, they talk about The Punisher and he reveals that he doesn’t know much. Suits with earpieces came to see him and they pushed for a “Do Not Resusitate” and despite pulling the plug and dying, his heart started back up again. He woke up and told the man to take him home immediately. Karen wants to know the man’s address.

Frank Castle sits and watches a merry-go-round. It stops, the families leave, and the lights go out. Frank is still sitting there. To his left, another man sits and stares at him, eventually saying, “Nice night,” and revealing a gun. He’s not alone. More men approach. The Punisher takes the man on himself but gets stabbed in the neck with a needle. He shoots some of the surrounding men but more approach as a tranquilizer kicks in. Finn approaches him and tells him to drop the gun. The men with Finn taze Frank, who fights it pretty impressively, but eventually falls.

Cops finish up analyzing the murder scene at a bar but find Daredevil in the back. Mahoney is surprised to see him and doesn’t want to tell him what happened here. He eventually reveals that the Irish put a bounty on The Punisher and he assumes they haven’t found him. Officer Mahoney tells Daredevil it’s his fault that cops are merely chasing crimes rather than preventing it.

Karen gets dropped off at Frank Castle’s house. She breaks into a side door.

Daredevil looks at the scene of where The Punisher was picked up and finds a man crawling away from the scene. He apprehends him and asks who did this. The man is reluctant to talk but Daredevil calmly interrogates him and uses pain as leverage. The man reveals that his people have The Punisher.

The Punisher wakes up in a cellar surrounded by the Irish mobsters. Finn compliments his abilities with an AK. He rattles off a few names and tells him it’s his fault they’re all dead. He’s still going to give him a chance to die with his limbs attached. They beat him but he takes it like a champ. Finn pops a pill and claims it helps calm his nerves. The Punisher asks, “I look nervous to you?” Finn dismisses the others and pulls up a chair. He tells The Punisher he wants his money back. The Punisher is surprised by the fact that this man’s kid is in a box but he still cares about money. The Punisher lures the man in and headbutts him. Finn calls in men to hold Frank down as he goes to get a drill. The Punisher encourages him to use it and he does, drilling a hole in his foot to start.

Karen is startled by a children’s toy and The Punisher’s house. She searches the house, slowly and finds the children’s room. She finds pictures of Frank and his family and being celebrated in the Marines.

Daredevil attack men in the Irish compound, taking them down one by one.

The Punisher is still being tortured but it isn’t working. Finn brings in the dog The Punisher took from them. He tells Frank that if he doesn’t get his money, he’ll do everything he’s done to Frank to the dog, twice. Frank tells Finn where the money is and tells Finn to let the dog go. He does and will keep Frank alive until he has his money.

Daredevil continues his approach.

Irish men find the van and the case.

The Punisher pulls a razor from his wound.

The van explodes.

The Punisher grabs the man next to him’s gun and takes out some Irish henchmen, shoots down Finn, and grabs a shotgun. He points it at Finn and asks who killed his family. Finn implies that no one cares and The Punisher blows his face off. The Punisher is cornered and he recites the children’s song just as Daredevil comes to his aid. Frank tells Daredevil all of these men have to pay and Daredevil says they will but not tonight. They work together to take men down and Daredevil won’t let The Punisher kill. After taking down the men, Daredevil helps The Punisher leave.

Karen sees a van drive by The Punisher’s house. It pulls around again and stops out front. She goes to hide.

Daredevil escorts The Punisher through a graveyard. He’s struggling to walk. He lays against a tombstone. The Punisher compliments Daredevil and tells him he was wrong about him being a p—y. Daredevil insists help is on the way and The Punisher encourages him to leave. “You’da made a hell of a Marine, Red,” Frank tells him. Daredevil asks about the rhyme Frank says before he kills people. Frank wonders how he heard it and recites it, “One batch, two batch, penny and dime.” It was his daughter’s favorite book. He says killing and watching his buddies die never meant anything to him. He was most scared when the plane headed back and saw fast food and donut shops and the things he fought to protect. He remembers, very vividly, how he surprised his daughter at her school. He never knew how something so beautiful came to be. She ran to him in an instant and the teacher filmed it and the kids are screaming and he’s crying. His little girl wasn’t crying though, she was holding him up. She says, “I knew it, daddy. I knew it.” When he went home, it was the same thing with his son. He eventually realized how tired he was. He was so tired he couldn’t even drink a beer. His girl wanted him to tuck her in, though, despite outgrowing it. She still had that book. Her favorite book was out on her pillow. He read her that book every single night before he left and he thought it was over now but she looked at him and begged him to read it. He said, “No, daddy’s too tired. I’ll read it to you tomorrow night, I promise.” He didn’t know there wouldn’t be a tomorrow. The last time he’d see her, meat was spilling out of where her face used to be.

Sirens ring out and the police arrive. They point their guns at Daredevil and approach. Daredevil tells Mahoney to take credit for capturing The Punisher, claiming it will be how the cops will earn respect again and the vigilante days will end. Mahoney frees Daredevil from arrest as EMS approaches. Daredevil watches the scene from above.

News reports reveal that Frank Castle was captured and gives credit to Officer Brett Mahoney. Foggy, Karen, and Matt talk about The Punisher briefly but Matt wants to optimistic and toast to a safe Hell’s Kitchen. Foggy goes to get more drinks, leaving Matt and Karen at the table. Matt asks Karen if she is okay and she admits she’s thinking about how precious life can be. Matt asks about Karen’s brother who he found out about earlier. She says he’s sweet and a good brother as Foggy looks on.

Outside, Matt and Foggy are getting ready to step into the rain. Foggy looks back at Karen and tells Matt to be careful because he just might end up happy. Karen comes out and Foggy says it’s time to go home. Karen sticks her hand out to feel the rain and asks Matt if he minds it. He doesn’t, so she takes his hand and tells him she’ll walk him home. Matt stops walking and pulls Karen back to him. He runs his finger up her arm, feeling every drop of rain that hits it, and eventually places his hand on her face. They kiss. He asks, “Can I take you home tonight?” “Yes,” Karen says. “Tomorrow?” “Yes,” again but they go on to say goodnight. She looks back at him as she walks away in the rain and hails a cab.

Matt enters his apartment and heads to the fridge for a beer. He stands alone in his kitchen but suddenly catches something thrown his way. Elektra is sitting on his couch.

Next Episode –>