F9 Director Won't Rule Out Jurassic World Crossover

If you're starting to wonder how far the Fast & Furious franchise can go (and going to space is [...]

If you're starting to wonder how far the Fast & Furious franchise can go (and going to space is not far enough), then this next bit is for you. With Universal Studios being the home to both the Fast & Furious franchise and the Jurassic Park films, F9 director Justin Lin was asked if he would ever want to see the two franchises cross over in one movie. Dominic Toretto and the gang taking on dinosaurs as Tyrese's Roman exclaims, "Oh, now we're fighting a T-Rex?" It doesn't sound like something that would not actually happen in this franchise. Lin is not ruling it out, either.

"Well, I've never said never to anything," Lin said during a virtual F9 press conference when he was asked if he will handle a Jurassic World and Fast & Furious crossover. "And the fact that part of our philosophy is not to ever be boxed in or labeled. And that's all I will say."

The franchise's Letty actress Michelle Rodriguez seems to be fully on board with the idea, though. "Once you reach a certain pinnacle, there's nowhere to go but to cross brand and merge, it's what big corporations do with each other when they get too big, you know what I mean?" she said. "You just have to brand and merge with each other. But the only thing standing in the way is lawyers and studios. Because, usually the brands that you're trying to merge belong to different studios or whatever. But it's under the same umbrella. I don't know. I'm just saying. It works."

There are no plans for the Jurassic and Fast films to overlap at this point. There are, however, plans for two final Fast & Furious movies in the form of 10 and 11 which will wrap up thee franchise's main story. Jurassic World, meanwhile, has Dominion on the way which serves as the third film in its relaunch under the World title. Whether or not the Universal Studios multiverse will ever call for Vin Diesel's Dominic Toretto to chase down a herd of dinosaurs with Chris Pratt's Owen Grady remains to be seen!

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F9 releases exclusively in movie theaters on June 25.