It looks like Hellboy is the latest comic franchise to fall victim to Hollywood’s R-rated romp. In the last year or so, comic book adaptations have opened up to the idea of landing an R-rating. Films like Deadpool and Logan proved grittier storylines can draw in box-office bank, and Hellboy is one of the many comic titles which could benefit from the restricted rating. When news broke that the franchise was getting an R-rated reboot, fans wanted to learn more about what the film would entail. And, now, the writer of the Hellboy reboot is giving fans a clue about what to expect.
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In an interview with Silver Screen Beat, Andrew Cosby shared a few details about Hellboy‘s tone and direction.
“I can’t really talk about specifics with regard to the story, which they’re keeping a pretty tight lid on at the moment, but I can say that this is a darker, more gruesome version of Hellboy,” Cosby started.
“Neil [Marshall] said from the very beginning that he wanted to walk a razor’s edge between horror and comic book movie, which was music to my ears, because that’s what I was shooting for in the script, and precisely what Mignola does so well with the comics.”
“Honestly, everyone has just been working overtime to bring that Mignola magic to the big screen,” Cosby finished. “The script is done, but work will continue as we move forward, always trying to make it the best it can be.”
For fans, the grittier take on Hellboy might be enough to make them forget about all the waiting they’ve done for the hero. After Ron Perlman‘s second go at the hero premiered, fans waited patiently for a third and final film to hit – but it never came. Guillermo del Toro and Perlman gave sporadic updates on the project, but fans felt it was going nowhere. Now, they have a new chance to embrace the hellish character thanks to David Harbour. The Stranger Things star was cast as Hellboy, and if Cosby is being upfront about the film, then Harbour will get to really sick his teeth into the role – literally. Anung un Rama isn’t picky about what he gnaws on for the most part.

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