
DC, Marvel Creators React to James Gunn Leading DC Studios


Warner Bros. Discovery is bringing out the big Gunns to change the hierarchy of power in the DC Universe. James Gunn — who wrote and directed the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy for Marvel Studios and The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker for DC — will lead DC’s creative efforts in film, TV and animation with Aquaman and Shazam producer Peter Safran. Gunn and Safran will serve as co-chairmen and chief executive officers of DC Studios, replacing DC Films, reporting to WBD CEO David Zaslav as shepherds of the renamed DC Extended Universe.

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“We’re honored to be the stewards of these DCcharacters we’ve loved since we were children,” Gunn and his Suicide Squad and Peacemaker producer Safran said in a joint statement. “We look forward to collaborating with the mosttalented writers, directors, and actors in the world to create anintegrated, multilayered universe that still allows for the individualexpression of the artists involved.”

“Our commitment to Superman, Batman, WonderWoman, Aquaman, Harley Quinn, and the rest of the DC stable ofcharacters is only equaled by our commitment to the wonder of humanpossibility these characters represent,” the statement continued. “We’reexcited to invigorate the theatrical experience around the world as wetell some of the biggest, most beautiful, and grandest stories evertold.”

As Twitter users anointed Gunn “DC’s Kevin Feige” —the Marvel Cinematic Universe master planner who serves as president of Marvel Studios and Marvel Chief Creative Officer — Tuesday’s news inspired reactions from Marvel and DC creatives alike.

“So here it is, the super talents we’ve been waiting for to take over & have some actual FUN,” tweeted Harley Quinn and Jonah Hex writer Jimmy Palmiotti. “I cannot say enough about both @JamesGunn and Peter Safran & how they both get the characters in the DCU. They understand them at a level that lines up with how Amanda [Conner, partner and collaborator] and I view the DCU.”

Batman Adventures and The Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott tweeted: “My desire to see more DC content just magically increased ONE GAZILLION PERCENT!!!”

“FREAKING AWESOME BUDDY,” reads a tweet from Smallville cast member and Justice League voice actor Michael Rosenbaum, who appeared in Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. “LOVE IT and LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!”

Wrote Marvel’s Doctor Strange director Scott Derrickson: “Congrats James. Good for you, and so good for the movies.” See more reactions below.

Jim Lee

John Cena

Patrick Schumacker

Mitch Gerads

Dan Slott^tfw

Michael Rosenbaum

Kurt Busiek

Scott Derrickson

J.M. DeMatteis